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Curtis in a sentence

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Sentence count:98+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: curtilagecurtcurtsycurtlycurtailcurtaterecur tocurtainMeaning: n. English botanical writer and publisher (1746-1799). 
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1. In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.
2. During the filming, Curtis fell in love with his co-star, Christine Kaufmann.
3. Curtis is on track for the gold medal.
4. Mr Curtis was the manager in my time .
5. Curtis got behind the wheel and they started back toward the cottage.
6. Right: the healthy, androgynous sexuality of Jamie Lee Curtis.
7. Tim Curtis top-scored for the home side with forty-five.
8. Indeed, even as Leopold oversaw the Curtis project, he wondered if anyone could plant wilderness.
9. Curtis was a very large man whose tiny facial features seemed lost in a desert of moist, granular skin.
10. Tony Curtis wanted sausages, beans and mash and so he queued up with everyone else.
11. Lieutenant Curtis had made it very clear to the surveillance team how mentally unbalanced and dangerous he considered the Prophet to be.
12. So Curtis decided his first priority was to resume the chase.
13. Curtis pushed the door open and sat down, still glowering.
14. She was introduced to Jamie Lee Curtis and posed for photos with the actress' daughter.
15. Leopold convinced the University to let the Curtis farm revert to prairie again.
16. Curtis Fleming has been tried at centre half in two recent Central League games but lacks experience for a key job.
17. Curtis, who rates an above-average 32, seems like the better choice to appeal to a wider audience.
18. He liked Curtis and he fully sympathised with his motives in going after the crazed killer on his own.
19. The bust was an acute embarrassment to Curtis who, in 1970, was the anti-smoking lobby's most famous disciple.
20. Helene Curtis is to spend £5m advertising Finesse and Salon Selectives hair products.
21. By the time Wednesday rolled around, Curtis had apparently forgotten his offer.
21. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
22. Curtis has a good moment when she falls while attempting an escape through a laundry chute.
23. Helene Curtis Industries Inc., hurt by weakness in several key markets, reported a bigger-than-expected third-quarter loss.
24. Curtis settled himself behind the wheel and laid the empty can on the passenger seat.
25. 'Get this man down to the station and throw the book at him!' yelled Curtis.
26. The diplomats, the royalty, the dodgy tycoons and a raft of celebrities from Charlie Drake to Tony Curtis.
27. He had not been accused of a crime, yet Curtis Brown spent 10 of his last days in a jail cell.
28. When I burst in that afternoon she was in conference in the parlor with an executive of the Curtis Publishing Company.
29. Armstrong hasn't trained since an elbow in the face from Curtis Fleming in the derby win over Middlesbrough.
30. He reached his little office in the square, initialled a few reports, then asked for Sergeant Curtis.
More similar words: curtilagecurtcurtsycurtlycurtailcurtaterecur tocurtainoccur tocurtseycurtnesscurtain callcurtainedcourtiercourtingfurtivehurtingfour timesspurtingiron curtaincurtailmenturticariafurtivelyshower curtainnasturtiumcurtain raiserbamboo curtainwindow curtaincourt martialcourt-martial
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