Synonym: heal, remedy, restore. Similar words: secure, sinecure, incur, curb, curio, recur, occur, curve. Meaning: [kjʊə] n. a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain. v. 1. provide a cure for, make healthy again 2. prepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve 3. make (substances) hard and improve their usability 4. be or become preserved.
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211 Make a kind of grand tour on my own, take the waters and cure what ails me.
212 In order to effect a lasting cure, it is necessary to correct the fundamental imbalance or disharmony.
213 Prevention is better than cure,( and you should use a lot of deep stances during your basic training.
214 You can use the Alexander Technique as a preventative measure: after all, prevention is better than cure.
215 Doctors claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.
216 And it was around for centuries before people managed to find a cure for it.
217 Another cure is to put a carpet cushion under the carpet.
218 This is the perfect marriage: a disease and a cure, both geographically specific.
219 A classic case of the cure being worse than the disease.
220 Until 1942 there was no reliable cure for syphilis, too late for Karen Blixen.
221 The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to back pains.
222 If a cure was achieved then patients were permitted to drop gold or silver coins into the sacred spring.
223 It is possible that in the near future we will be able to cure AIDS.
224 Ironically their misfortune may lead to a cure for others.
225 Thanks to it as well, very little money was being spent to fight the disease or find a cure.
226 As well as Swindon's economic ills, she's hoping Dons can help cure her back pains.
227 I have known it to be successfully treated with black sulphur powder mixed with water but prevention is better than cure.
228 In a few minutes I will report on a new polio vaccine announced as a polio cure.
229 Selfishness must always be forgiven you know, because there is no hope of a cure. Jane Austen
230 More to the point, as resistant strains emerge, the greater becomes our need for new antibiotics to cure sick people.
231 That's the best cure for people who write anonymous letters.
232 She had told him that she knew a magic drug to cure any ailment.
233 It is axiomatic that all the sites that are infected should be treated if there is to be any hope of cure.
234 Like Euripides she believed the sea could cure the ills of man.
235 The miracle cure is when the patient helped cure himself..
236 Some swear by emu oil as a sure-fire cure for joint pain.
237 The best cure, for both women and men, would be better education and more jobs for the not-very-bright.
238 It's not a miracle cure, but moisturiser can make your skin less dry.
239 Over the centuries citrus fruits have also been used to cure fever and protect against poisoning.
240 So the best cure might lie in shortening the period when that is possible.