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Crown in a sentence

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Sentence count:288+13Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crestdecorateglorifyheadhonorpeakrewardridgesummittiaratopAntonym: discrownSimilar words: crowdcrowdedscarecrowovercrowdedcroprowcropscrossMeaning: [kraʊn]  n. 1. the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy 2. the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel 3. a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory 4. an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty 5. the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head 6. an English coin worth 5 shillings 7. the upper branches and leaves of a tree 8. the top point of a mountain or hill 9. the award given to the champion 10. the top of the head 11. the center of a cambered road. v. 1. invest with regal power; enthrone 2. be the culminating event 3. form the topmost part of 4. put an enamel cover on. 
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(151) Yesterday McClelland, 17, appeared before Teesside Crown Court and admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.
(152) The old masters of misery have lost their crown to Corrie.
(153) Conley is clearly the crown prince with 11 hostelries in the city with 774 rooms.
(154) But why should the crown possess this mystic attribute of being able to contain and confer sovereignty?
(155) Unlike the Magistrates' Court, the Crown Court's jurisdiction is not limited to a given area.
(156) In November 1558 they appeared to offer even more, when parliament agreed that the dauphin should be given the crown matrimonial.
(157) Such objects were probably made by goldsmiths working for chieftains, as with the crown jewels of more advanced polities.
(158) Eventually some one will emerge from the muck, the rusty mayoral crown askew on a weary head.
(159) We know that both Charles and Diana are anxious to fulfil their duties to the Crown and do so conscientiously.
(160) Yesterday Fulcher, 28, appeared before Teesside Crown Court and admitted affray.
(161) Crown and Key establishments are being assessed by our inspectors for their quality standards right now.
(162) He denied a charge of murder and this plea was accepted by the Crown.
(163) Large curls stacked high on the crown for maximum effect Sweetly sophisticated small top knot sits forward from the crown.
(164) He took the first five straight off, and went on to capture the world crown for the first time.
(165) Today at Aylesbury Crown Court they asked a judge to quash those
(166) Should you wish advice from the world's greatest detective you may enquire for me at the Rose and Crown.
(167) Adam finally turned the icon over and found on the back a small silver crown inlaid in the wood.
(168) We were on remand for about three months and then we were up at the Crown court.
(169) This from a man who would stoop to any level, psychological gamesmanship included, to retain the crown jewels.
(170) But government through bloodline is vulnerable to the same objections whether it occurs through voting or the passing down of a crown.
(171) But don't tell me he is a United player, the kind who can win them that coveted crown.
(172) So ended a dispute between the Crown and its subjects which had gone on intermittently for more than four hundred years.
(173) They could not commit the defendant to the crown court to deal with bail.
(174) It was very uncertain whether Henry would be able to retain the crown he had seized.
(175) What price, one day, even the old crown jewels of News International?
(176) In 1988 he emulated Fittipaldi and Piquet by lifting the world crown.
(177) It falls away from the crown, quite unceremoniously finished off, behind a good facade.
(178) They claim he should have faced a Crown Court judge for causing death by reckless driving.
(179) Once again, this points to excessive use of imprisonment, at least on the part of the Crown Court.
(180) Antoine sat, colours still fidgeting through his crown, that smile still lighting his face.
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