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Courier in a sentence

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Sentence count:102+4Posted:2017-02-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: messengerrunnerSimilar words: barriercarriercenturies-olddeveloping countriesfieryfiercepiercesoldierMeaning: ['kʊrɪə]  n. a person who carries a message. 
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61. Wimbledon champion Edberg lasted until Courier beat him in the quarter finals.
62. Courier bags up to 32 kilos in weight can be accepted up to 45 minutes before flight departure to over 60 destinations.
63. He worked as a motorcycle courier.
64. The main agent of the Company UPS courier service.
65. Could you courier samples promptly or standard quality?
66. The font-family values are Helvetica, Times, Courier, and Symbol.
67. Shanghai day cash on delivery, national courier home delivery.
68. Palmist: You are going to become a travel courier.
69. At the moment when Pierre went into the waiting-room,[] a courier from the army was just coming out from an interview with the count.
70. So, we are offering to send replacement books, but in view of the unreliability of the Chinese postal service, we will only send the books by guaranteed courier, for which you will have to pay.
71. AAE ( AIU Express ) is a Sino - US green courier service providers, global business courier service providers.
72. VB production within its own courier network can be achieved with a simple message transmission network.
73. The formal contract will courier to you soon within this week.
74. Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours or by overnight courier.
75. Others find a monospaced font such as Courier easier to read - these may include people with dyslexia.
76. Courier and consolidator deals are long-gone,[] but there are other alternatives.
77. Article 25 Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting ...
78. As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite courier at the castle gates.
79. The package bomb addressed to Berlusconi last month had been sent via a courier service aboard the courier's cargo plane from Greece to Italy.
80. A team comprising a courier, a student, a plasterer and a plumber will travel to Anfield to go head-to-head with the likes of Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres and Jamie Carragher.
81. A day or so later, the blood is sent via medical courier to the collecting bank and the stem cells are harvested and placed in a deep freeze for permanent storage until needed.
82. One set of Non-Negotiable Documents including detailed packing list must be dispatched to applicant within 5 (days) after shipment by courier.
83. Upon written request of the Bidder, the Bidding Documents can also be delivered by a special courier at an additional payment of US$ 70 (destination abroad) or RMB 250 (destination within PR China).
84. One set of Non-Negotiable Documents including detailed packing list must be dispatched to applicant within 5 days after shipment by courier. Courier receipt must accompany with original document.
85. The courier will depart next day , she's told . She sews a warrior's gown all night.
86. We will also accept a transport document issued by a courier or expedited delivery service evidencing that courier charges fire for the account of a party other than the consignee.
87. Please advise on the delivery location and post code, the Seller will get quotation from the courier service company then reply to the Buyer as soon as possible.
88. Chloe had a friend at work who had a history of relationships with unsuitable types. A courier was the current blunderer.
89. I will send my TNT courier to pick up your sample and I bear the freight.
90. The following is a general delivery courier Kuandaofahuo scope, fees and estimated time of arrival.
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