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Conserving in a sentence

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Sentence count:63Posted:2017-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: servingdeservingobservingconservepreservingconservedundeservingconservancyMeaning: [kən'sɜːv]  adj. saving from harm or loss. 
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31. Conserving mollusk's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture.
32. I call this the make-work bias, a tendency to underestimate the economic benefits of conserving labor.
33. The secret of conserving energy and vitality lies in Qigong and Taijiquan.
34. Durpose Explore an efficient method to raise the succeeding rate of pulpotomy under the condition of conserving root pulp of deciduous teeth.
35. The project is a significant role in conserving the forest.
36. The government has numerical targets for reducing emissions and conserving energy.
37. Objective To evaluate the oncologic risks of skin sparing breast conserving surgery for carcinoma of breast at early stage.
38. The technical section was divided into power conserving, coal conserving and water conserving.
39. ARE THE ROLES played by citizens in conserving energy resources?
40. Objective To investigate the mental health of breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery and modified radical mastectomy respectively.
41. Meanwhile, Citigroup shed some businesses to generate additional cash, while conserving money by slashing its dividend.
42. Study on enhancing and conserving the color value of apple juice concentrate using different resin.
43. The balanced pressure duplex phosphor bronze diaphragm is a highly sensitive modulating unit thermally programmed to provide accurate steam conserving operation.
44. Your body, you might say, executes the same strategy for conserving energy during what were supposed to be your off-hours.
45. But It'should reinforce the point that, on hydrological grounds alone, conserving forest is often essential.
46. Harness supramolecular constructs to preserve the integrity of chemically labile species while conserving sites for the catalysis of chemical reactions including product release.
47. Economic savings, consistent with a conserving society and the public philosophy.
48. From the viewpoint of energy conserving, the properties of bond graph multiport element MTF are discussed.
49. strategy for conserving energy during what were supposed to be your off-hours.
50. The Yanchiwan Natural Reserve situated in the southern of Subei County is a natural reserve for conserving wild animal, especially for alpine ungulate.
51. We must work with smallholder farmers to create an ecological approach to boosting production and conserving resources.
52. We will implement the responsibility system for conserving energy and reducing emissions.
53. Objective To estimate the effect of restorative treatment on conserving posterior crown fracture tooth.
54. Though not regulated by the new legislation, auto racing groups voluntarily began conserving as well.
55. Conserving is often unappreciated act , and the impacts of your choices may never be directly seen.
56. It also keeps your body from lowering its metabolic rate and conserving fat.
57. Now, reports Gillian Murdoch in this Reuters article, peat is the new 'black gold', and conserving Indonesia's peat bog forests is a hot investment ticket.
58. On the hand[sentence dictionary], the germplasm conserving and collection both protect the vital representative resources and avoid the resources are reduce and repeat in the genetic biotype.
59. Methods The clinical data of 21 patients with early stage breast cancer underwent breast conserving modified radical mastectomy were analyzed retrospectively.
60. If the motivations for developing a PHP math library are bounded by concerns for conserving developer effort and using the best tool for the job, then PHP's present course makes sense.
More similar words: servingdeservingobservingconservepreservingconservedundeservingconservancyconservatoryconservationconservatismconservativeconservationistenergy conservationconservation of matterlaw of conservation of masslaw of conservation of energyunnervingunswervingservicingunswervinglyservileserviceservicesservilityservietteservitudeservicemandisservicelip service
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