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Connective in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2Posted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionMeaning: [-ktɪv]  n. 1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 2. an instrumentality that connects. adj. connecting or tending to connect. 
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31) The dermis contains sensory nerves and Blood vessels within connective tissue.
32) Glucosamine Chondroitin Extra Strength provides important building blocks for healthy joints and connective tissues.
33) ResultsBy HE staining, the subepithelial connective tissues and vessels in the pterygium were more prominent than normal conjunctival tissues.
34) The loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels located in the subepithelial layer, and most m...
35) Some argyrophil cells were observed in the connective tissue of lamina propria near epithelium or gland.
36) Given that lens cells have no blood supply, no connective or nervous tissue, and no organelles, can they even be considered alive?
37) It is a malignant connective (soft) tissue tumor whose neoplastic cells present osteoblastic differentiation and form tumoral bone.
38) A degenerating cyst is usually collapsed and surrounded by inflammatory exudate and fibrous connective tissue.
39) Utilizing the variation of autofluorescence and second harmonic generation signal, we can also visualize the interaction between squamous cells and connective tissue in vivo.
40) Result: The neurohypophysis is composed of unmyelinated nerve fibers, pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries.
40) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41) New Songdo City exists as a prototype model of new city expansion and development, designed to be self-sustaining neighborhoods with connective links to surrounding urban centers.
42) The causes may be due to childbirth, connective tissue disease, increased intra - abdominal pressure or iatrogenic causes.
43) Loose ( areolar ) connective tissue - ( in blue ) - surrounding the epithelium of tubules.
44) I have the abscess urethra, rectum and bladder perineal or around by connective tissue inflammation, clearance.
45) Hepatic stellate cells (HSteC) are intralobular connective tissue cells presenting myofibroblast-like or lipocyte phenotypes .
46) Loose irregular connective tissue (also called areolar tissue) as seen underlying and supporting epithelium in an ordinary section.
47) Morphoea is a connective tissue disorder characterised by hardening and thickening of the skin due to an increased collagen deposition.
48) Histologically, the tumor was composed of a myxoid connective tissue with strands of odontogenic epithelium and differentiated tissue such as enamel and dentin.
49) Given an inner point in the connective area, by means of a reference line, the next connective line segment can be found quickly and correctly.
50) They did not do it cavalierly , and they did not do it frivolously, and they believe they had a connective logic, and a tissue to get them to their judgments.
51) This fitness equipment makes improvements in co - ordination and balance and connective tissue.
52) The dermis is composed of the connective tissue that supports the epidermis.
53) The detected faults include stuck-at faults on connective lines, bridge faults on line groups, control memory (CM) cell stuck-at faults, CM adjacent cell coupling faults and CM multiple access faults.
54) The periodontal ligament is a connective tissue located between the cementum of teeth and the alveolar bone of the mandibula.
55) The thin connective tissue capsule around a silicone breast implant is shown here.
56) As a logical connective sign between understanding and perception, does it have its own content?
57) All cells have secretory and absorptive functions besides 4ibblasts and granular cells in connective tissue, there are myofibril, collagenous fibril and unmyelinated fibers.
58) Conclusions: Paravertebral injection with adriamycin could induce degeneration and necrosis of DRG cell, which was finally replaced by connective tissue.
59) For today the influence of ozone therapy on the pathology of connective tissue is terra incognita.
60) Scar formation was avoided, and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed.
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