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Category in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+32Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: classfamilySimilar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateMeaning: ['kætɪgərɪ]  n. 1. a collection of things sharing a common attribute 2. a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme. 
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91. We have examined the class situation of a particular category of workers at a particular site.
92. He pushes the edge of the envelope in just about every category.
93. Some have therefore concluded that behaviour in this category can not be termed altruism at all.
94. This last category Gumperz describes as somewhat more difficult to specify in purely descriptive terms.
95. It took little time to discover that I was in a new category.
96. He won, surprisingly but deservedly, in the factual documentary category for his eye-opening series Naked Hollywood.
97. It is even unclear whether the individual contributors see their particular expertise being subsumed into this new academic category.
98. In the Brut Rose category, California is clearly pulling ahead.
99. We do not know what sort of a variable it is; it does not seem to fit into any category.
100. It is essential to realise at the outset that desktop publishing software is totally unlike any other software product category.
101. But to include call centre work in this category is absurd.
102. The second power strategies category, using social networks, builds off the power bases of political access and staff support.
103. The smallest category comprises those that have actually become minor classics.
104. Free-floating form and topic subdivisions may be used with headings within a given category.
105. Of course, as far as headhunters are concerned, these companies fall into the category of poaching grounds.
106. The champ in that category would have to be John Tesh, who is supplementing his singing career with gymnastics coverage.
107. We can see this very clearly if we consider the grammatical category of gender.
107. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
108. I would like to propose one broadly based category which will clearly require extensive elaboration and refinement.
109. Alterations to one element of the Marketing Mix can have repercussions within each category, or elsewhere within the Marketing Mix.
110. These are taken-for-granted groupings which assume some form of unity within each category without ever clearly identifying the source of this unity.
111. But there is another, perhaps more promising category of deterrent effect: general deterrence.
112. No other category of asset came close to rivalling that performance.
113. According to this study, clerical work is merely an occupational category through which men pass.
114. Maslow's hierarchy isolates needs for self-esteem as a separate motivating category.
115. Perhaps 15 percent to 20 percent of the men referred by courts fit this category, he says.
116. Readers consulting a specific category will find a complete list of periodicals dealing with that subject.
117. The hottest new category of online freebies is full Internet access.
118. Have the students name some other things which belong in each category. 2.
119. A broader category of 38 gambling stocks has dropped 32 % since the beginning of 1994.
120. For the first time, Polaroid will recognise student entries with a special category.
More similar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateadvocateindicatededicatetruncatedcommunicatecomplicatedsophisticatedcommunicate withbe good atnegotiationintegrationtheorystoryhistoryfactoryterritoryinventoryregulatoryfrom memorylaboratoryin memory ofconciliatory
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