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Cab in a sentence

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Sentence count:158+12Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: carcarriagecoachtaxiSimilar words: cablecabincabinetMeaning: [kæb]  n. 1. a compartment at the front of a motor vehicle or locomotive where driver sits 2. small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and a folding hood 3. a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money. v. ride in a taxicab. 
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91 Andy Brown, the gullible foil and friend of Kingfish, and Amos Jones, a salt-of-the-earth cab driver.
92 Worked as a cab driver, plumber, and studio assistant to the sculptor, Richard Serrs.
93 So I goes to the cab rank, and gets up on the box.
94 Add cab Age, apples, stock, wine, apple cider, and vinegar and bring to a boil.
95 A bleeper sounds in the cab if the hoe is unable to distinguish the rows for a long time.
96 Then she sits down in the back seat, Black shuts the door, and the cab takes off.
97 They stood Donald in the back of Tommy's pick-up truck, then they climbed into the cab.
98 His brother has never driven a cab before either; this was going to be his first day.
99 But there was further drama when the crane's brakes failed and it slid into the cab of the lorry.
100 He asked whether she would mind calling him a cab and she dangled car keys and said she would drive him herself.
101 Somebody yelled and threw a can at the cab, hitting it on the rear bumper.
102 He was in luck because a cab drew up alongside him and a man got out.
103 Normally it went about its business either on foot or in an arabeah, the horse-drawn cab distinctive to the city.
104 The cab is hexagonal thin wall box-type structure.
105 In this paper, we apply the subarray smoothing technology to the CAB algorithm.
106 At one point, the two cabs stopped at a stop light and the driver from the other cab pulled a tire iron from under his seat and began to wave it wildly at the driver of Jane's taxi.
107 Tanya kindly gives Teri ten dollars for cab fare to the hospital.
108 Their writing condition was examined with the Chinese agraphia examination (CAB) including automatic writing, transcription, dictation, picture copying and initiative writing.
109 Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
110 In the midst of discussing their newly made plans in May 2001, in the back of a New Delhi cab, Deon spotted a street sign with the word, MOR (meaning peacock in Hindi).
111 If you want to pick up the cab fare, I'll make sure you get a room for the night.
112 No matter what list you look at of top anti-heroes in movies, Robert De Niro’s portrayal of a cab driver gone vigilante is right at the top of everyone’s list.
113 Designing seat position in cab and satisfying man-machine interaction aimed at driver and sitting posture re quire-ment are prerequisites of seat design.
114 Cab and production engineering machinery, farm vehicles, such as cab.
115 This cab signaling device is fail - safe and has highly reliability and - interference .
115 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
116 Learn about letting the hips and knees follow in a half cab with help from a professional skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding tricks.
117 I am still scared. We just got out of the Disneyland resort area and took a Taxi cab to Yosuka Navy Base. I am now safe and on base with my family.
118 The very sight of this girl was odious to him; it was she who had his five francs, it was too late to demand them back, the cab was no longer there,the fiacre was far away.
119 The cab out there with a celine chasse , and we made it in like six weeks.
120 "Operation Nighthawk, " for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan.
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