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Buddhist in a sentence

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Sentence count:221+7Posted:2017-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buddhismbuddybuddingsand hillbudbudgetrosebudombudsmanMeaning: ['bʊdɪst]  n. one who follows the teachings of Buddha. adj. of or relating to or supporting Buddhism. 
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151. Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on.
152. According to Buddhist tradition there are two kinds of action - skilful (Sanskrit Kausalya, Pali kusala) and unskilful(Sanskrit akausalya, Pali akusala).
153. Buddhist and Taoist deities are often honoured together in the same temple.
154. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers---Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.
155. This concept Christian Zen is actually an important result of Second Vatican Council, which could benefit the Christian spirituality from Buddhist meditation.
156. In Theravada Buddhist countries, it is traditional to begin each meditation session with the recitation of a certain set of formulas.
157. Despite his rebelliousness, he is still known as Lama Tenzin Osel Rinpoche and revered by the Buddhist community.
158. Zen is neither Taoist nor Buddhist; it is both and neither.
159. On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple.
160. I can't help to feel ashamed that the most influential Buddhist country did not have an outstanding temple in Buddha's hometown.
161. It says the monks were taken from a Buddhist monastery in Qinghai's Mangra county last week and ordered to undergo political re-education at an undisclosed location.
162. The first takes the form of Jesus; the other depicts "Kuan Yin, " the famous female Buddhist Goddess.
163. In the 16th century Zen Buddhist monks created the Japanese Tea Ceremony and it quickly became very popular.
164. Sun Wukong's life can be devided into three stage: sanfueing the dragon king's palace. sanfueing the welkin, and escorting Tang Seng to seek Buddhist scripture.
165. Murals 70 square meters, mostly reflect on the life story of Buddha and Buddhist activities.
166. And the creation of the Buddhistic state of chilly loneliness is not only and indication of his sublime artistic interest but also is closely related to Buddhist aesthetics.
167. The Buddhist sutra streamers beside the pagodas look solemn and respectful.
168. TV footage from inside the Tokyo Detention House showed the trap door, the viewing room and rooms where the inmate can meet a cleric, with a Buddhist altar and a Buddha statue.
169. A deeply tranquil presence seems to surround the Zen Buddhist master.
170. Statistically speaking, the number of believers if twice as large as Japan's total population, but this is because many households worship both Shintoist and Buddhist gods.
170. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
171. A new Emory program for undergraduates brought 14 students, mostly premed students, to Dharamsala this summer to study Buddhist thought and Tibetan medicine.
172. In one-hundred-volume Dazheng buddhist scriptures, the 85th volume is the only one that mainly collect Buddhist texts from Dunhuang scriptures.
173. Buddhist ceremony in Jambalin Monastery, the largest temple in Qamdo Prefecture.
174. Large Buddhist temple located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a type of construction, unique appearance.
175. In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra there are references to some Buddhist philosophical concepts.
176. Then under the influence of the Buddhist ethic of "law of cause and effect", stories of Baogong involved large quantities of "retributive" narration usually with attempt of moral "admonishment".
177. The first half of this article discusses the insights of the earlier Yogacara Buddhist thoughts, including the elaboration of the doctrine of trilaksana and the doctrine of the Yogacara middle way.
178. What kind of 15 year - old reads Buddhist epistemology?
179. However, such marriage was opposed by Fahai, a Buddhist monk in Jinshan Temple, who maintained that coexistence of human and evil spirit was unallowable.
180. Buddhist charity in China is still at the initial start of the exploratory stage.
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