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Briefly in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+17Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conciselyin briefin shortshortlySimilar words: in briefbutterflyreflectiondie forreliefbringbrickbrideMeaning: [ˈbriːflɪ]  adv. 1. for a short time 2. in a concise manner; in a few words. 
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91. Vickie starts the meeting by briefly reviewing the agenda.
92. We now look briefly at the eigenvectors.
93. This we mentioned briefly in the last chapter.
94. We will look briefly at just four.
95. Let me briefly mention just three of them.
96. Let me return briefly to Foucault.
97. The remaining instances of confusion can be discussed briefly.
98. He worked briefly for Walt Disney Studios.
99. Now, Harper Lee speaks again, but again only briefly.
100. Here, briefly, is how it happened.
101. Pooley, taking this to be some after-effect of his discovery, shuddered briefly and tried to make himself heard.
102. One other example of a possibly adhoc hypothesis from the history of science will be briefly mentioned.
103. So far we have briefly explained how a free-floating and a rigidly fixed exchange rate system are supposed to operate.
104. Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements[], he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
105. We then briefly review the values associated with elite theory.
106. But my first attendance at a political rally changed my childhood habits right away, at least briefly.
107. Mobuto spoke briefly to the Zimbalan ambassador in Swahili then beckoned the tall bodyguard towards him.
108. Bodie hesitated only briefly before making his apologies and walking away.
109. Morels thrive briefly after a fire or bout of logging, but then they too disappear.
109. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
110. He glanced briefly about him before continuing along the scattered fringe of trees that girdled it.
111. I spotted it briefly as it hopped among the thick branches of a balsam fir close above me.
112. Finally, we considered briefly the meaning of an equilibrium in macroeconomics.
113. It briefly considers the prospects for extending the operational life of obsolete systems through physical restoration as well as logical simulation.
114. For now, it is worth looking briefly at what the Pick-Sloan plan has wrought.
115. Her erratic gaze paused briefly on the broken nail she was picking with her other hand.
116. Some say Idi is briefly a bellboy at the Imperial Hotel in Kampala, bright buttons shining.
117. It is appropriate here, however, to consider briefly the treatment issue of moderation goals.
118. He returned briefly to the Commonwealth's service, but retired when the Restoration became inevitable and procured a royal pardon.
119. At the end of this chapter, we will briefly consider how these stresses affected managers' lives outside work.
120. We beach briefly to relieve the pain in our nether portions!
More similar words: in briefbutterflyreflectiondie forreliefbringbrickbridebriskdriedhubrisfabricdebrispriestfriendseriesBritishbring inbring outbring upcarriervarietybarrierbring downnutrienta varietyfriendlycelebritybrilliantbring back
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