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Bred in a sentence

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Sentence count:190+7Posted:2016-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: well-bredbreakbreadbreedfibrebreathbreastbreeze
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121. However, it has been replaced by Friesians for milk and is now bred more for beef.
122. The sheer numbers of creatures involved, particularly rats and mice, demands that where practicable they are bred for the purpose.
123. Pendley Goldfinch, who was born on 27 September 1980 and bred by Joanne Yates.
124. The forms have not been bred into his bones; even his body is the wrong shape.
125. Several colour strains have bee bred since the original black and silver variety came out on the market many moons ago.
126. Now, I tell you this, I am a rogue born and bred.
127. It hardly mattered whether unfounded suspicion, bred by professional jealousy, or something more serious had prompted this anonymous note.
128. But as a local born and bred Liverpudlian person.
129. This had bred a warm and enduring response.
130. They bred conformity and role - playing.
131. Bred was boning up for an examination.
132. Conclusion These normal microflora values in feces were reference values in intestinal of heathy domestically bred young rhesus macaque.
133. Mice bred to be void of the gene, called TREK-1, acted as if they had been downing anti-depressants for at least three weeks.
134. Trust an ignorant city - bred darky not to know the difference between a farm and a plantation.
135. As if being reared for the stewpot wasn't bad enough, these chickens have been bred into a form their own ancestors surely wouldn't recognize.
136. They complain that the fruit is being homogenised just like the insipid tomatoes bred to look pretty behind cellophane on supermarket shelves.
137. Leprosy bacilli taken from two newly detected patients with lepromatous leprosy have been inoculated into the rear foot pads of BALB/C pure bred mice.
138. But the consequences of inaction could be worse than the feared economic damage that has bred overcaution .
139. The results showed that for the hens bred in wet curtain Cooling system the egg laying rate was 1.
140. Mohammed Atta and Ayman al-Zawahiri were bred in the tyrannical republic of Hosni Mubarak.Zawahiri, the vengeful Cairene aristocrat[], was explicit about that.
141. The religious tradition of Massachusetts bred its brand of devotional literature.
142. "Texuan-815" was a kiwifruit new strain which belongs to Actinidia chinensis bred by Anhui Agricultural University.
143. Hot words passed on both sides and ill blood was plentifully bred.
144. Females bred to boars that have been subjected to heat stress may have a lowered farrowing rate and smaller litter sizes.
145. The Alaska Rabbit, a thickset , short rabbit, was bred in Germany despite its name's suggestion!
146. And success has bred success - liberalisation is producing prosperity, encouraging further reform.
147. Often those species that can be most easily bred are the most useless in reclamation.
148. The double low variety used backcross male parent for double high GMS, the double low GMS had been bred through continuous backcross, at the same time, the double low hybrid has be en bred.
148. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
149. New rice variety-ZUPEI 7 is the first variety bred by biotechnique which has the advantage of good quality, heigh yield, cold resistance and rice blast resistance.
150. Our company has successfully bred excellent terminal sire line and female parent sire line.
More similar words: well-bredbreakbreadbreedfibrebreathbreastbreezebreechmacabrebreak offbreak outbreak upbreadthoutbreakabreastbreak inbreak downbreakdownbreak awaybreakingbreak intobreakfastabbreviatebreathingout of breathredabbreviationbreak throughbreakthrough
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