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Boo in a sentence

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Sentence count:40Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bookbootboomboonboostboothtaboobootsMeaning: [buː]  n. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt. v. show displeasure, as after a performance or speech. 
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1. He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.
2. You didn't say boo to me about going to your mother's this weekend.
3. He's such a nervous chap he wouldn't/couldn't say boo to a goose.
4. And still they boo if the mood takes them.
5. However, it looks like Boo will not be selling clothes directly.
6. Salmonella-i hen's egg in boo carries this serious disease organism.
7. Tiger Woods would boo a goose with a wood.
8. We must rest soon . Boo is getting squirrely.
9. To use A-G nomogram and AG number for diagnosing and quantitating the bladder outflow obstruction (BOO), 205 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) underwent the pressure-flow studies.
10. You can boo, but booing's got nothing to do with it!
11. She knew when to cheer and when to boo, and that was all one needed.
12. What happened to Boo when Sulley was searching for her?
13. He won't defend us; he cannot say boo to a goose.
14. Why can not Sulley and Mike keep Boo too Happy?
15. A loud boo came from the back of the hall.
16. A few people came to Boo But remained to applaud.
17. Since boo is a monosyllable, it can also be said very quickly,( which may add to its scariness.
18. Russian boo - boos , you go for some basic foreplay, they'll detail your car.
19. Even when I'm with my boo, y'know I'm crazy over you.
20. The boss may look a bit fierce, but in fact he wouldn't say " boo " to a goose.
21. The faceless ones knew the villain had been introduced and they wanted to hiss and boo.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Fans pay big bucks to watch them, and a $ 65 hockey ticket comes with a license to boo.
23. The threat from pure e-tailers subsided as companies like the original, an online fashion retailer, went bust.
24. Conclusion UPP could reflect anatomical changes in posterior urethra and prostate volume indirectly, which is useful for the treatment of BPH, but UPP seems has minimal value on the diagnosis of BOO.
25. Autocomplete in the Location bar with URLs from your boo jkmarks.
26. I told him about the Dewey Decimal for Shelving Boo ks.
27. Let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear , boo. Now what you say?
28. How to spell: shoes, pants, shirt, gloves, hat, pumpkin head, clomp, wiggle, shake, clap, nod, boo .
29. Review the words: shoes, pants, shirt, gloves, hat, pumpkin head, clomp, wiggle, shake, clap, nod, boo .
30. Master in his own house, he has little idea of when to say boo to a maitre d'hotel.
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