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Battle field in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fieldfield tripmagnetic fieldsettle forcattlerattleprattlebrattle
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1. On the battle field, nothing but? fight.
2. The army were on the march the battle field.
3. On the battle field, to fight is to live.
4. I'm just on the battle field.
5. Our soldiers are very brave on the battle field.
6. The battle field became their training ground.
7. Does not have the battle field experience of warfare. It's always solo infiltration missions.
8. Born in the battle field, the Tudor court faced challenges from all directions.
9. This paper discusses a method on the battle field of early warning aircraft (EWA) for the aircraft carrier formation in synthesis combat area.
10. This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.
11. A method on the battle field of aircraftaircraft carrier formation in synthesis combat area is discussed.
12. Suddenly , a sporadic cannonball bombed in the battle field.
13. A method on the battle field of patrol aircraft(PA) for the aircraft carrier formation in synthesis combat area is discussed.
14. The arrival of the crack troops in the battle field augured ill for the Germans.
15. Objective To design an intravenous indwelling needle in battle field aid.
16. The ancient battle field became a area,( retaining its then style.
17. His son died fighting on the battle field for his country.
18. He didn't want to lose his life in the battle field.
19. A famous general cried as he looked at one battle field.
20. Park selected the black piece to move first by tossing. The two players displayed the battle field with Chinese Opening and Two-star field.html
21. That is to say in the next 10 days, will face Shenhua 3 battle field.
22. A path planning method based on the hierarchical decomposition strategy was proposed for multi-UAV cooperative path planning in the battle field.
23. He didn't want to lose his life in [ on ] the battle field.
More similar words: fieldfield tripmagnetic fieldsettle forcattlerattleprattlebrattleyieldlittle by littleshieldmettlesettlelittlebrittlea littleshuttlescuttlebottledunsettlebelittlesettle downnot a littleunsettledrattlingtattlingbatteryshuttle busnettlesomesettlement
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