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Attorney general in a sentence

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Sentence count:140+1Posted:2017-03-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Attorney GeneralAttorney General of the United StatesUS Attorney GeneralUnited States Attorney GeneralSimilar words: attorneypower of attorneygeneralgenerallyin generalgeneralitygeneratorgeneral ledgerMeaning: n. 1. the chief law officer of a country or state 2. the person who holds the position of secretary of the Justice Department 3. the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. 
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61. It is the beginning of a campaign of total relentless surveillance carried out at the direction of the Attorney General.
62. California Attorney General Dan Lungren also will make antitrust decisions in several weeks regarding both merger proposals, the regulators said.
63. This was Antonio Lozano Gracias, whose appointment as attorney general Zedillo hoped would give the assassination investigations credibility.
64. The assistant attorney general then shipped it back to Dewey without even attaching a letter.
65. He won his first election in 1976, when he became Arkansas's attorney general.
66. We have an attorney general who was a leading opponent of gun control in the Senate.
67. Attorney General William H.. Moody replied that no federal law had been violated.
68. The High Court has now given his father permission to ask the Attorney General for a second inquest.
69. The Vice President and the Attorney General were immiscible.
70. They didn't want her as attorney general.
71. Last week, South Carolina's attorney general, Henry McMaster, threatened the management of Craigslist with criminal prosecution if it did not remove the local erotic services postings within 10 days.
72. Ms. Goeres-Arce, who is now a stylist at Elements Salon in Escondido, provided evidence for California Attorney General Kamala D.
73. The state's attorney general says he wants to give workers more time to find the records and give lawyers time to review them.
74. What do these people have in common: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, comedian and actor Steve Martin and former Attorney General Janet Reno?
75. The Attorney General of the United States is again invited to participate.
76. How could a man who made his reputation as a law-and-order attorney general explain away violating the law by paying for sex?
77. The Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has reported one of its own officers to the attorney general over allegations of complicity in torture, the foreign secretary revealed today.
78. Federal authorities in the United States have made 150 arrests in what the US Attorney General Eric Holder called the largest-ever single-day operation against the mafia.
79. The US attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on Capitol Hill today.
80. Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General.
81. "The removal ... of John Demjanjuk is a historic moment in the federal government's efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice,(" said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.
82. A spokesman for the US Attorney General said lawyers were considering whether to contest the appeal court's decision.
83. The US Attorney General says the Obama administration will adopt a new policy that will limit the government's ability to suppress information on security grounds.
84. Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978.
85. U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson's preliminary ruling concluded that the Virginia attorney general had a right to defend that state law.
86. The US Attorney General Eric Holder said the extradition sent the message that suspected criminals could not escape justice by fleeing across the Mexican border.
87. As I've said[sentence dictionary], I first met Gennifer Flowers in 1977 when I was attorney general and she was a television reporter for a local station who often interviewed me.
88. Federal prosecutors, the United States attorneys and their assistants, are appointed by the President and are subordinate to the Attorney General of the United States.
89. The FBI was started under Teddy Roosevelt by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte.
90. Reno was the first female Attorney General of the United States (1993–2001).
More similar words: attorneypower of attorneygeneralgenerallyin generalgeneralitygeneratorgeneral ledgergeneral journalgeneralizationestates generalthe general publicgeneral electiongenerally speakinggenerategenerationdegenerategeneration gaplost generationcornerorneryscornercut cornersgenericaround the cornergenerousmineralfuneralgenerouslyvenerate
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