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Apis in a sentence

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Sentence count:128Posted:2018-08-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rapisttherapistescapistescapismpriapismlapis lazulipsychotherapistspeech therapistMeaning: n. type genus of the Apidae: honeybees. 
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61) Fine-grained components tend to be tied to specific QoS APIs, which puts constraints on the functional aspects of implementation substitutability and transport independence.
62) We tested the temperature and carbon dioxide concentration in the center and out of the bee-agglomerate between Apis mellifera ligustica and A.
63) NetKernel's logical model is focused on information processing and is cleanly separated from the physical level of objects and APIs by a microkernel.
64) And finally, the driver is tightly coupled with various APIs and applications,[] and you may have to debug a device driver where interrupt losses and out-of-sequence interrupts happen.
65) While that's the most common approach to data binding, APIs that take an XML document and represent the entire document as an object are also a form of data binding.
66) These APIs and their capabilities also vary depending on the type of storage-RDBMS, object-oriented database management system (OODBMS), XML documents, flat files, and so forth.
67) For new APIs, Section 11.6 does not normally apply in early stages of clinical trials.
68) An application programmer that learns the APIs can write an application that can call any of these APIs, and then perform essentially any administrative operation.
69) Using certain APIs, like credit card checkouts and self-destruct switches is not practical.
70) By looking at this as an interface design issue, you can apply the same rules that you use with JavaBeans and other APIs to XML design.
71) The preliminary exploration on the evolution of Melastomataceae plants with some groups of Bombus, Vespa, Trigona and Apis.
72) For APIs with short shelf - lives, testing should be done more frequently.
73) Inadequate laboratory procedures and records to assure that the APIs have the appropriate quality and purity.
74) It already has many application programming interfaces (APIs) to its Web services, from Virtual Earth to Windows Live Messenger, and continues to release more.
75) Standard APIs can be used to set and get data from the item set.
76) Our product line: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(APIs), Biochemicals and Amino Acids, Medical Equipments and Medical Instruments, Intermediates for APIs, Nutraceuticals.
77) From the API documentations listed under Resources, you can derive that the DB2 APIs perform their own authorization checking.
78) Chinese honeybee ( Apis cerana cerana ) is a vital economic insect, it is largely bred in China.
79) Processor architecture makes a lot less difference when compiling code than APIs do.
80) Labelling operations should be designed to prevent mix-ups. There should be physical or spatial separation from operations involving other intermediates or APIs.
81) Returned intermediates or APIs should be as such and quarantined.
82) The authors refer to Nosema apis as a "unicellular fungus".
83) Also, this exercise uses the Cocoa framework, which consists of a set of APIs, libraries, and run time code that forms the development layer for the iPhone SDK.
84) Labeling operations should be designed to prevent mix-ups. There should be physical or spatial separation from operations involving other intermediates or APIs.
85) There have been many new APIs proposed to improve the scalability, such as /dev/poll, real-time signals, I/O completion ports, /dev/epoll, and kernel queues.
86) Event APIs have the reputation of being difficult to use, simply because the application programmer is in charge of more operations.
87) This per-session reset is functionally equivalent to the reset capability available in the DB2 system monitor snapshot APIs.
88) These intermediates or APIs can be reprocessed or reworked as described below.
89) The behaviour and activity patterns of Bombus lucorum and Apis mellifera for pollinating strawberry in greenhouse were comparatively studied.
90) A job is any specialized processing initiated through Device Manager or its APIs and performed on one or more devices.
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