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Alvin in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2018-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: calvincalvingsalvingcalvinistcalvinismjohn calvincalvinisticcalvin coolidge
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121. Alvin came here initially as a session musician, but he stayed on.
122. But this was for Alvin a rare chance to see the child whose birth had caused him such great pain.
123. Alvin had always made it plain that his company existed in large part to provide work for black dancers.
124. Not only did Alvin know nothing about choreography, Shawn wrote, but he was not even a good dancer.
125. Francis, Alvin was told by Eng and the dancers that at forty-five minutes the piece was just too long.
126. They took turns retelling the stories to each other, and from day to day Alvin never forgot whose turn it was.
127. I got out and talked while Alvin Bates kept his eyes at shoulder level and agreed politely with the questions I asked.
128. There is no reason why a robot equipped with multiple cameras and manipulators could not accomplish the tasks Alvin can do.
129. Alvin accepted the invitation and planned for the tour with all his usual energy and sense of organization.
130. Alvin moved back immediately into the busy life of rehearsing and teaching at Clark Center.
131. Alvin Harper to be recognized as one of the best cornerbacks in the league.
132. We should be glad we skim over these fields of pillows in Alvin.
133. Clarke assumed it was a prank but promised to give Alvin the message.
134. Alvin stayed on, and even began to choreograph acts himself.
135. One of the doors opened on to a new life for Alvin.
136. Farther forward on the main deck from the A-frame is the Alvin hangar, where the submersible is serviced every evening.
137. Well before it closed(, Alvin was involved in rehearsals for two new plays.
138. Chancey and Alvin liked to play in a water tank just outside of town.
139. I have often worked black smokers in Alvin and I never fail to be awed by them.
140. Alvin dressed in blue jeans, shirts and boots and looked like the renegade that he felt he was.
141. Alvin relented, however, and Moore continued to perform with the company through the tour.
142. Buoyed by critical acclaim for the 1970 Brooklyn season[], Alvin and his dancers faced a year without any significant employment.
143. Then and later, Alvin was interested in putting the seamier side of life onstage.
144. Alvin and his dancers were welcomed back to the academy as homecoming heroes.
145. Toos and Alvin Sharpes arrived and sat on the stairs to listen to the story and stare at the storyteller.
146. Now our first effort to find the site with Alvin is less than twenty-four hours away.
147. Betty Levin had been hospitalized for two weeks when her husband, Alvin, began exhibiting symptoms.
148. Alvin also developed a lasting friendship with Duvall, with whom he shared a birthdate.
149. Alvin was part of it all now. Only 24, and he was going places.
150. Stella Adler had called to invite Alvin to a cocktail party.
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