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Alvin in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2018-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: calvincalvingsalvingcalvinistcalvinismjohn calvincalvinisticcalvin coolidge
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1. Alvin managed to bridge the gap between ballet and modern dance.
2. Alvin, who had broken a toe, was left behind.
3. At times, Alvin turned away.
4. And Alvin never kept you waiting while he pondered.
5. Alvin reminded himself in his daily diary.
6. Alvin was in a big tizzy.
7. But Alvin was scared and very courageous simultaneously.
8. Alvin pilots, I knew, must thrive under pressure.
9. Alvin Sharpes stiffened, torn by conflicting obligations.
10. Alvin and I just sort of hooked up.
11. Pure-minded modern dancer that he was, Alvin politely declined.
12. No, Alvin said teasingly, dance with me.
13. Alvin drawn to scale is dwarfed by the giant.
14. The Alvin is the lunar module of deep-sea exploration.
15. I always encouraged Alvin to think big.
16. A pilot can make Alvin hover,[] neutrally buoyant.
17. The Alvin began inching across the ocean bottom.
18. 1961 was a tumultuous year for Alvin.
19. What was Alvin carrying on about?
20. Alvin himself had begun to sense that.
21. Disappointingly, none of the reviews mentioned Alvin by name.
22. She was preceded in death by a brother, Alvin.
23. Alvin was increasingly angry about the situation at the academy.
24. That the reviews were positive did not surprise Alvin, but he had seen far past that horizon in the Far East.
25. They stood and talked, and Alvin asked when Truitte was coming to teach at the school he had opened nearby.
26. But Alvin had a good deal else on his mind.
27. Now Alvin set about creating in earnest his groundbreaking modern dance repertory company.
28. Alvin would go off to a quiet corner with Shook and talk endlessly about art, literature and his current projects.
29. A book which is still being discussed by many Americans today is 'Future Shock' by Alvin Toffler.
30. Your classmates won't trust you if you're always telling tales, Alvin.
More similar words: calvincalvingsalvingcalvinistcalvinismjohn calvincalvinisticcalvin coolidgesalvianormal viewkelvincentral visionsolvingshelvingcardinal virtueperipheral visionevolvinginvolvingresolvingrevolvingdissolvingkelvin scalerevolving doorproblem solvingrevolving creditmitral valvemitral valve prolapseelvissilviapelvic
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