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Alvin in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2018-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: calvincalvingsalvingcalvinistcalvinismjohn calvincalvinisticcalvin coolidge
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91. Despite the simplicity of his lifestyle, Alvin was messy to a degree that drove Holtz to add housekeeping to his duties.
92. Making Alvin the stage manager was the first step, she believed, in involving him in something outside of class work.
93. Throughout his career, the profane would compete with the sacred when Alvin contemplated themes for ballets.
94. But the real workhorse of the Galapagos operation was the tiny sub called the Alvin.
95. The immensely popular company was the only one on the bill, Alvin noted, that was not subsidized by its country.
96. De Lavallade drifted away from Alvin, although they never completely lost touch.
97. We prepare the science basket at the front of Alvin.
98. Harkness sent Alvin another $ 1, 000 to come work in Cannes, where the company was to open.
99. Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and confidant.
100. Alvin had strained up to stare around him, resting on his pudgy elbows as if to survey the world.
101. He loved his sons, and Alvin Sharpes loved his family name.
102. Alvin later confessed laughingly that he had not been at all sure of what Morning Mourning was about.
103. Alvin is a safe boat, with an unsurpassed safety record.
104. Alvin carries her three-person crew in the titanium sphere at the forward end of the vessel.
105. I have a theory: Alvin was so generous with time for other choreographers.
106. Kevin Keen worked tirelessly for the Londoners and Alvin Martin was prominent in defence despite the heavy scoreline.
107. He had been impressed with how prepared Alvin and the dancers were.
108. Some friends felt that Alvin had returned a harder, less innocent person.
109. As the argument escalated, Faison lost his temper completely and told Alvin that he wanted to leave the company.
110. Alvin caught the bus to school at six in the morning and made it home by seven at night.
111. Alvin was to stay behind to finish the school year.
112. Put Alvin into autopilot to maintain a constant heading; go ahead a little on the pot that controls the forward thrusters.
113. Frightened and helpless,[] Alvin wondered if they might kill him.
114. Alvin had had a brief taste of freedom and didn't want to live with his parents again.
115. She had two extra respirators at home in case the one Alvin was using failed.
116. For the first time, Alvin and the group could concentrate simply on creating dances and putting together performances.
117. It was an extraordinary time for a young person like Alvin, black and a dancer, to arrive in New York.
118. As the two screamed at each other, Eng challenged Alvin to go out onstage and do better that night.
119. But when Alvin came back I thought he was going to beat me to a pulp.
120. Like Dudley Williams, Jamison threw in her lot with Alvin early on, at the start of her career.
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