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Alkaline in a sentence

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Sentence count:248+3Posted:2017-06-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alkalinitysalinebalk atwalk awaydraw a linedrop a linetalk aboutadrenalineMeaning: ['ælkəlaɪn]  adj. relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7. 
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151 The dust contained a toxic mix of chemicals, including highly alkaline particles from pulverised concrete, asbestos and heavy metals from thousands of computers and lights.
152 It turns red or pink in acid solutions and Blue or purple-blue in alkaline solutions.
153 It was found that alkaline phosphatase activity was increased when Chlamydomonas sajao Lewin was transforming and availing the phosphate rocks.
154 The injurious mechanism of alkaline burn of cornea has always been concerned.
155 An ion chromatographic method for the determination of alkaline and alkaline earth metal cations in high concentration organic wastewater is developed.
156 On account of above reasons, the national product of Penicillium expansum alkaline lipase were chosen to study its interaction with chiral phenoxy acid herbicides, 2,4-DP, MCPP and 2,4-DPM.
157 With autocontrol fermentation equipment, the kinetic model and the technology of low temperature alkaline protease fermentation and metabolism of Flavobacterium YS 9412 130 were studied.
158 Electrochemical behaviours of copper during CMP were measured in situ in weak alkaline media with potassium ferricyanide as passivator.
159 Improvement in alkaline etching and smut removing before zincate treatment was summed up.
160 The development of Methods: That involve moderately alkaline eluents should be encouraged.
161 The stability of catalyst cobalt sulfonated phthalocyanine(CoSPc) used in liquified petroleum gas sweetening process was researched by ultraviolet-visible spectrometry method in alkaline solution.
162 The results showed that in this process of alkaline hydrolysis the demethylation of poly(methyl glutamate)was faster, but debenzylation of poly(benzyl glutamate) was hardly processed.
163 The invention discloses an alkaline nutrient and a preparation method thereof, which relates to a nutrient that can neutralize and adjust different acidic materials inside human bodies.
164 An alkaline soluble polysaccharide has been isolated by the alkaline extraction from phellinus Linteus. Its structure has been determined by periodate oxidation , etc.
165 Six carboxyl acids DEMB was produced with Michael Reaction using triethylamine as alkaline catalyst and solvent, malonic acid and itaconic acid as raw materials.
166 This paper discusses fiber dimension ,[] chemical component and alkaline peroxide mechanical pulping from whole kenaf.
167 Results show that bond parameter not only keep all information of the molecular connectivity but also can be applied inh alkaline metal compounds.
168 The results showed that the recovery of insulin-like growth factors(IGFs)is optimal on alkaline diafiltration.
169 Zr-Al Getter developed by our institute has been Widely used in lamps, electron tubes, purifying rare gases, Getter ion pumps, alkaline metal releasers etc.
170 Performances of direct extraction of gold from alkaline cyanide solution with guanidine hydrochloride were studied.
171 At present mainly uses the union system alkaline process production calcium carbonate soda ash.
172 The recovery process of lignin from the alkaline reed paper - effluentliquor by acidulation precipitation was studied.
173 Plasmids were extracted from 76 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis with alkaline bacteriolytic methods.
174 In order to increase reliability using phenolphthalein solution to detect alkaline cell sealing characteristics, the water in the alcohol was decreased, environment humidity were requisite.
175 The development, application of GNC170-(5) valve-controlled extra-high-rate Cd-Ni alkaline battery for starting diesel locomotive are presented. The starting performance is satisfactory.
176 Ion exchange and hydrothermal reactions of zeolite under alkaline conditions are studied.
177 Methods Liposomes were prepared from phosphatidylcholine, ganglioside and cholesterol, and coupled endometrial antigen and entrapped alkaline phosphatase(AKP).
178 This bath has the following advantages vs. the alkaline baths: ease of controlling plating bath composition, high cathode current efficiency and low operating cost.
179 Water Ionizer is a new products with high - tech to bring Alkaline Water and Acid Water.
180 Guilaizhuang gold deposit is an epithermal gold deposit of Te-Au type related to alkaline subvolcanic rocks and controlled by crypto-explosive breccias.
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