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Aligned in a sentence

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Sentence count:185+6Posted:2017-06-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: feigneddesignedassignedresignedunfeignedresignedlyalignmalignMeaning: [ə'laɪn]  adj. 1. brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause 2. in a straight line. 
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91 These aggregations are closely aligned to the information requirements of the business process and will be required to formalize reusable XML data types at design time.
92 Note that all of the declared variables which will be copied using DMA are aligned on quadword boundaries and are multiples of quadwords.
93 However, for any power of two, this will give you a guarantee that no matter what your starting value is, the resulting value will be aligned to a multiple of that many bytes.
94 The intake and exhaust shafts are geared to the rotor shaft and have at least one opening each that is aligned with the intake and the exhaust valve ports.
95 The most important awareness to retain after each of these drills is the feeling of the head and body being aligned( ALINED )and streamlined traveling sleekly just below the surface.
96 The toy inspired study co-author Chiara Daraio to invent the acoustic lens, which uses 0.95-centimeter stainless steel spheres aligned in parallel chains.
97 Note that this milestone is not aligned with the actual delivery of any results from any (governed) project.
98 Multiple depositions of patterns to different filter types, including dichroic , can be aligned with remarkable micron-scale precision and repeatability.
99 Text, controls, and control groups are all tightly aligned, with a consistent atomic spacing grid.
100 Are they aligned to enhance the effectiveness of the enterprise or is each organizational unit only really concerned with its own (local) efficiencies?
101 Adjust ignition timing by gradually turning the distributor housing until the timing makes are aligned.
102 While Henry Markram maintains that autism involves a "core neuropathology", he told New Scientist that the intense world idea and Mottron's theory are "aligned in most aspects".
103 The legs extend for the next mogul in an aligned position.
104 No one previously aligned with Syria, the PLO, or the Moslem Lebanese factions would be acceptable.
105 It was investigated that different negative bias affects the growth of aligned carbon nanotubes.
106 While each of these is only a word size (4-byte) value, they are each aligned to 16 bytes for easy loading and storing (remember, the SPUs only load from 16-byte-aligned addresses).
107 It turns out that accurately placing text aligned vertically and horizontally around the perimeter of a circle is somewhat complicated(, so a simple trial-and-error approach is shown on lines 80-107.
108 Removal is also advised if there is a chance that poorly aligned wisdom teeth will damage other teeth.
109 Those that are aligned perpendicular to the plane are called axial hydrogens.
110 The start address specified by upper layer may be aligned or non - aligned.
111 All kinds of lead acid batteries are aligned pull screen grid and punching board gate.
112 PDCP SDUs are bit strings that are byte aligned (i. e. multiple of 8 bits) in length. A compressed or uncompressed SDU is included into a PDCP PDU from the first bit onward.
113 Adjust ignition timing by gradually turning distributor housing until the timing makes are aligned.
114 In this case, LSS - DCA aligned the sequences with the same way as ClustalW.
115 The projected images are aligned such that they form a nearly seamless image on the projection screen.
115 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116 They're still motivated by making profits, of course, but they recognize that aligned interests are the key to long-term and sustainable profit-making.
117 Remember, the lqd instruction only loads from 16-byte boundaries. It will therefore ignore the four least significant bits during the load, and just load an aligned quadword from memory.
118 Fields are always aligned, corresponding to an unpacked record type.
119 The treaty, written into the Treaty of Versailles, established that Monegasque policy would be aligned with French political, military, and economic interests.
120 Those that are aligned in the place are called equatorial hydrogens.
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