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Midlands in a sentence

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Sentence count:109+1Posted:2018-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midlandbadlandsmidlinemidlifetimidlyfalkland islandslandladyheadland
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91. Now, the North Midlands disciplinary committee are to entertain both father and son.
92. Department of Trade and Industry investigators have handed their files on the case to West Midlands police.
93. I am not willing to be interviewed only to be compared with the chief executive of some Midlands council.
94. 2010-11-11 A failed parcel bomb found on the cargo plane at East Midlands airport last month was timed to detonate over the Eastern seaboard of the United States, British police said.
95. The Prime Minister was Margaret Hilda Thatcher, 53, a grocer's daughter from the English Midlands(, who last week led her Conservative Party to a decisive victory over James Callaghan's Labor Party.
96. The East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA) said attracting a firm which makes about 2.5 million cars a year was "fantastic news" for the region.
97. Midlands English is one of the more stigmatized of English dialect groupings. The most famouse of these dialects is Brummie.
98. Midlands rise is our country's strategical decision of region economy development.
99. The Midlands bruiser has been rejected for the third time by an ungrateful party.
100. According to the experts, the flavours that represent the Midlands are gamey. The panel tasted the local pale ale and spring lamb, among other things.
101. The Pennines , a range of hills running from North Midlands to the Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain.
102. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written in a dialect of Middle English that links it with Britain's Northwest Midlands, probably the county of Cheshire or Lancashire.
103. The British online and interactive television betting group Sky Betting and Gaming created interest through a Yorkshire Post feature article on its recent move to the midlands of England.
104. Kapo is due to arrive in the Midlands today for a medical and fulfil his long-term wish to play in the Premiership.
105. Two days ago the British East Midlands Airport on a cargo plane found a parcel bomb, the large-scale security operations that occurred in this matter established.
106. Just two weeks before he died, Charles Darwin wrote a short paper about a tiny clam found clamped to the leg of a water beetle in a pond in the English Midlands.
107. To coincide with the explosion, Digby would lead a rising in the Midlands and kidnap King James's daughter, Princess Elizabeth, ready to install her as a puppet queen.
108. He gradually hauled in the Midlands before his floor began to delaminate , adding two seconds to his lap times.
109. "We're in a two-way learning process, " says Andrew Whydell, product planning manager of active safety electronics at TRW Automotive in West Midlands , England.
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