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Midlands in a sentence

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Sentence count:109+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midlandbadlandsmidlinemidlifetimidlyfalkland islandslandladyheadland
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1. He's from the West Midlands.
2. She spoke in a broad Midlands accent.
3. He spoke in a flat Midlands accent.
4. He's got a real midlands accent.
5. Midlands have also made a late change.
6. Played well against Midlands and needs a sound game to secure a Test place.
7. Some was piped through the Midlands to the industrial towns on either side of the Pennines.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Walsall Hospitals trust in the West Midlands has the highest.
9. Nine schools in three Midlands LEAs, will be identified for in-depth study, following a questionnaire survey.
10. In the Midlands, the Tories lost Nuneaton, where Labour overturned a majority of more than 5,500.
11. Midlands have little form and against the South showed a defensive bias and no discernible pattern.
12. Midlands Electricity has started an investigation into how the fire started.
13. Midlands men also believe that women want tenderness rather than dominance, and a man who treats women as equals.
14. Some pubs, mainly in the Midlands and the North, use electric pumps to draw the beer to the bar.
15. Her data from Dudley, West Midlands, shows that this is one of the first Creole features adapted to.
16. In the West Midlands detached portions of parishes and manors even crossed the county boundaries.
17. There is a lot of manufacturing industry in the Midlands.
18. The scheme mostly benefits people in the North and Midlands.
19. Now 24 percent. of inward investment goes to the west midlands.
20. Here we are in the uttermost depths of the Midlands.
21. It will supply electricity to 25,000 homes in the Midlands.
22. And their shouts find echoes in the industrial towns of the Midlands and the North.
23. And it was here that the once great motorbike manufacturers of the Midlands tested the machines that are still running today.
24. The North have both the motivation and the coordination behind the scrum to brush aside a rebuilt Midlands team.
25. Mr. Waldegrave I welcome the steps taken by the West Midlands regional health authority.
26. At 650 acres Draycote Water is the biggest stretch of water in the south Midlands and offers a wide range of activities.
27. She lives with her parents in a comfortable house overlooking fields and trees on the edge of a provincial Midlands town.
28. Birmingham is less attractive because it has remained the commercial centre of the Midlands.
29. John Butcher says at this moment a man on bail for rape is on the run ine the Midlands.
30. West Devon Beef was offered £1.60 a kilo by meat firms in Somerset and the Midlands.
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