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Midlands in a sentence

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Sentence count:109+1Posted:2018-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midlandbadlandsmidlinemidlifetimidlyfalkland islandslandladyheadland
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61. Dame Jill Knight I thank my right hon. Friend on behalf of the west midlands, which is also high in the league table.
62. His two-handed catching at back of line-out troubled the Midlands.
63. War was declared and the family were evacuated to the Midlands.
64. A similar approach is needed when addressing the problems of car-dependent regions like the West Midlands.
65. Thus the relatively stable East Midlands Platform has not undergone post-Permian vertical movements of some 2500 m indicated by the vitrinite data.
66. I by contrast contrived to leave my grammar school in the Midlands without A levels.
67. And detectives arrested the farm labourer at dawn yesterday at his home in Solihull, West Midlands.
67. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
68. The South-East and West Midlands have been hardest hit by the recession.
69. Farms in the South-West region and sewage works in the North-West and Midlands were among the main offenders.
70. Bunker had received the message from a convener at one of the Midlands plants, who was also hopping mad.
71. Focus Charles had earlier cut short two engagements in the Midlands to get to the school on time.
72. And with a superior points difference, Vipers seem set to clinch promotion from Midlands Two West after three times finishing runners-up.
73. Ten years ago only 6 percent. of inward investment went to the west midlands.
74. His club team Norton, near Stoke in the Midlands, won the world indoor championship contested by squads from 26 countries.
75. East Midlands Electricity added 1p to 408p after generating a 23% profits rise to £30.3m.
76. Consumer goods industries were the linchpin, and these were overwhelmingly located in the West Midlands and in and around Greater London.
77. The revival of the West Midlands economy has also been accompanied by increasing demands for high quality industrial sites in attractive locations.
78. In the West Midlands, Labour gained six seats on a swing of 3.1 percent but needed three more for victory.
79. For example homeworkers in the East Midlands were paid 3.5 pence for straightening before packing a dozen tights.
80. He rightly paid tribute to the West Midlands police for what they have done in this process.
81. Many people suspended judgement and throughout the West Midlands reduced polls saw Conservative majorities cut.
82. East Anglia has similar decline in yield and 2.8t / ha yield averages in the Midlands.
83. The Midlands was the workshop of the world and his new institution became its banker.
84. Alderman Lewis, a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands.
85. Using modern forensic science techniques on original evidence, the West Midlands force have been forced to rethink their view of events.
86. Instead, Midlands and Lothian shared the prize with two wins apiece.
87. Manager Alan Murray has been forced to delay team selection for tomorrow night's visit to the Midlands.
88. During the last years of his life Carlile undertook a series of speaking engagements in the Midlands and North.
89. The famous metallic voice with its slight Midlands cadences exercised its familiar thrill.
90. At a regional level, this meant that the North West and West Midlands were particularly badly affected.
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