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Mar. in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: primary marketmaremarmarlmarcmarsmarkmari
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31) Brazil were too strong in the quarter-finals, however, as they recorded a 3-1 victory in Vina del Mar.
32) On Mar. 30th, 2004: "PKU-Harvard" Chess Group Elitist Match was held at PKU. Players of the two universities competed diamond cut diamond.
33) Cuban cowboy tries to wrestle down a steer during the 12th Boyeros Cattleman 's Fair in Havana, Mar. 25,(sentence dictionary) 2007.
34) On Mar.26,2003, the world - known composer passed away after a serous disease.
35) Roofing tiles cover mounds of salt harvested from seaside evaporating ponds near Marsala, Sicily, Mar. 30, 2006.
36) The content of the program counter is copied to MAR.
37) Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers' Club on Mar. 1.
38) The fundamental way out for the development of China's stock market lies in re-establishing the credit order of stock market and forming a firm credit foundation of the mar...
39) On Mar. 19, the American experts came to the spot to direct production.
40) This article introduces the situation of production, research and application of capsanthin, oleoresin capsicum, capsaicine and the existing questions and mar.
41) On Mar. 15, the election of a new regional assembly in Ternopil in western Ukraine saw a victory for the previously marginal Freedom party, which garnered 50 of 120 seats.
42) Mar. 4 : A photograph is burnished to the barrier inBethlehem.
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