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Korean in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+4Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: here and nowhere and theremeanbeanleanjeansone anotherpeanutMeaning: [kə'rɪən]  n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Korea who speaks the Korean language 2. the Altaic language spoken by Koreans. adj. of or relating to or characteristic of Korea or its people or language. 
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181. This year, it is down roughly 4% against the Indian rupee, the Indonesian rupiah and the Korean won, and 3% against the Thai baht.
182. The implications for the Korean peninsula, and the broader region, are historic.
183. He has a long list of currencies that could come under severe pressure, which includes the Indian rupee, the South Korean won and the Brazilian real, as well as "most" east European currencies.
183. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
184. The warhead shown in the schematics had the familiar "dunce cap" shape of the original North Korean No Dong missile, which Iran had acquired in the mid-1990s.
185. Chapter two discusses the Causative of Korean, the character of Causer andcausee, the character of verbs and the sentences of Causative.
186. U.S. officials this week will make a personal appeal to a top North Korean diplomat, Ri Gun, who left Pyongyang Tuesday for a rare trip to the U.S.
187. However , South Korean agents found inconsistencies in their stories and arrested them.
188. However, the above situation, Choi and South Korean military if the forecast is very different than North Korea South Korea expected loss is smaller.
189. On the Korean Peninsula,( an oppressive regime rules a people living in fear and starvation.
190. Hill dismisses recent North Korean rhetoric against the South as "entirely propagandistic" and directed "entirely at domestic audiences."
191. Korean Register of Shipping ( KR ) issued the certificates on behalf of ( government ).
192. The Korean semiconductor giant opened on Wednesday a research and development facility for a pilot production line, signifying an aggressive move towards mass production of solar cells.
193. President Barack Obama has written a personal letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, apparently urging him to return to nuclear talks.
194. Buddhism is popular in China's Sui and early Tang dynasties, as well as Koguryo, Silla and Paekche on the Korean Peninsula and Japan's Suiko Tenno and Tenchi Tenno period.
195. The Korean food industry has agreed to five standard levels of spiciness for gochujang, or Korean chili paste, for international customers.
196. The longer - term consequences of a North Korean implosion are also unwelcome to Beijing.
197. Information indicates that some parcels of South Korean make3 have been sold at the level of $ 155 per long ton.
198. The meeting will be in Kaesong, a South Korean investment enclave inside North Korea.
199. A case study on the effect of different plot area on forest gap model simulation was conducted with forest gap model NEWCOP in broad leaved Korean pine forests at Changbai Mt. of Northeastern China.
200. In mid-June two South Korean marines shot their rifles at a civilian airliner landing at Incheon, the airport for Seoul, mistaking it for a North Korean plane.
201. Seen in one of them are a soldier of the Korean People's Army and a member of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards determined to crush down at a stroke the U.
202. According to Uruguayan police, there are 15 South Korean vessel flying the flag ship in Montevideo on fire, causing no casualties, but the work of the port led to confusion.
203. Sweet, slightly bitter , cool. Compared to Korean and Chinese ginseng, American ginseng is relatively cool.
204. Most of its residentshave fled for better opportunities, says Cao Zheyun, another ethnic Korean,looking at quiet Namyang across the Tumen River through his binoculars.
205. Before then, such tests were routine as the marine outpost on the island guards a water passage from North Korea to the South Korean port city of Incheon.
206. Parallel on the Korean peninsula is located 38 degrees north latitude, near a military demarcation line.
207. I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
208. The JCS issued an order to reinforce patrols in the area, and all South Korean fishing vessels to evacuate.
209. North Korean state media had previously said they would stand trial and could face up to 10 years in prison for illegal entry and hostile acts.
210. The independent sector has become more international with the rise of Mexican drama, Korean horror, Romanian social realism.
More similar words: here and nowhere and theremeanbeanleanjeansone anotherpeanutmeantimeEuropeanby all meansby no meansby means ofby any meansmeanwhilecoremoremeaningfulbeforescoreforestno moreor elsefor everany moreforeheadrestoreexplorecome beforeforeigner
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