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COM in a sentence

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Sentence count:279Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
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151. My first eBook, Make Money Online with John Chow dot Com, has been downloaded over 200, 000 times and helped tens of thousands of bloggers worldwide to increase their traffic and make more money.
152. Websites like started manufacturing swine flu protection kits, which included hand sanitizer, bacterial wipes and surgical masks.
153. As he recently told, "Conducting research at PARC four decades ago was like magic.
154. These new devices appear to be distinct from electronic readers such as Inc's Kindle, which are best used for books and periodicals and have little multimedia functionality.
155. The front pages of and Reddit are a different matter altogether. They are the main interface for most users, serving as the newspaper front page.
156. COM ( Component Object Model ) provides a set of standard to construct component.
157. As an example,( imagine that operates a Web site that markets fishing tackle to its customers.
158. This sit - com is a spin - off of a blockbuster movie.
159. 'The appetite and demand for high-yielding currencies persists and is increasing, ' said Shane Braunstein, the managing director of Japan, the online foreign-exchange brokerage.
160. By using statistical data analysis, looked at unemployment rates, personal finance data, environment, health and living standards and crime rates to compile the ranking of 50 cities.
161. Lord Rayleigh later put it into a theoretical framework, explaining the hexagonal patterns observed in the lab, Feingold told
162. Equipment onboard a naval ship is a typical, enormous and com plicated man machine system .
163. At Cambridge ( you can see David Starkey hold forth on Henry VIII or William Hague on William Pitt.
164. They are sending us banner messages and they are faking the domine I have to make it look as if coming from me, so they hope to get run more span field.
165. "It's not funny when you figure out the application list should only involve poor people, while some local rich guys are on it, " said Shenzhen native Liu Yuan on Weibo. com, a popular micro blog.
166. Such services as Payment Enabling, such as those provided by, and those integrated with other utility and Telco companies, may be required to be integrated into the game environment.
167. Create a new class by right-clicking the package and then selecting New - Class.
168. In a wide-ranging interview, Turow talked about everything from his disagreements with to getting robbed at gunpoint.
169. Recognising this,, the listed part of the group (most of which is private), promised in December to pay a special dividend of $140m in January.
170. In video sharing, Tudou and offer licensed programming, supplanting broadcast TV for millions of users; YouTube is barely a blip.
171. Properties in Celebration are priced as high as $3.9 million for a six-bedroom, 8,000-square-foot (743 square-meter) mansion on a three-quarter-acre lot, according to
172. The other main feature on the website that impressed me was the wagon wheel-like TV programming guide. It is under the tab labeled On TV.
173. And it is not a female-only realm, as evident by the numbers of men who sign into online beauty portal and the scores of male spa and salon customers.
174. As another commenter on put it: "In this era of information explosion, the cost of decision-making is increasingly high.
175. Ignore the big brands and make a bee-line for Chang and Biorck (, Beijing's hottest new home furnishings hole-in-the-wall for fabulous silk cushions, ties and bags.
176. COM style marshaling is required to make calls between .NET and native components.
177. Click the Build tab and check the Register for COM interop box.
178. The tool holder is small, com pact, noiseless, expecially its transmission is ...
179. Friends in America have set up a tax-deductible charity, National Health Forum. For more information, please go to my blog,
180. First of all, the yellow swoosh looks like a smile: want to have the best customer satisfaction.
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