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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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1. 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
2. The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
3. At 90, she's getting very old and frail.
4. Hotels in Tokyo enjoy over 90% occupancy.
5. He got 90 marks for Chinese.
6. An average potato has about 90 calories.
7. He was travelling at a speed of 90 mph.
8. 90% of the engines are exported to Europe.
9. It's £90 a week for board and lodging .
10. The paper's circulation has slumped to 90 000.
11. Old Jack was over 90 when he snuffed it.
12. The old fisherman was 90.
13. The bill came to $60,( the salesgirl rang up $90 by mistake.
14. The aim is to cut running costs by £90 million per year.
15. These books might be worth £80 or £90 or more to a collector.
16. Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food.
17. Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.
18. 90 per cent of listeners had stayed with the programme when it changed its time slot.
19. They have a 90 per cent chance of success.
20. Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A.
21. Sam makes a clear $90,[]000 per year.
22. 90 mile per hour winds swept across the plains.
23. The body is 90% titanium for ruggedness.
24. She's nearly 90 and mostly keeps to her room.
25. A student who gets 90 % is graded A.
26. He pays £90 a week board and lodging.
27. Passengers sweltered in temperatures of over 90?F.
28. My grandpa has accomplished 90 years of his life.
29. The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.
30. What she did was very unprofessional. She left abruptly about 90 minutes into the show.
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