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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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271. They are used to produce 90 percent of all chemical products at some stage in their manufacture.
272. Over 90 percent of 3-4 year-olds are engaged in some form of group activity.
273. A survey of traffic accidents determined that seat belts reduced serious injuries by up to 90%.
274. In actual fact 90 percent of penises range from three to five inches in length, but dimensions change with prevailing conditions.
275. The revised budget for 1989/90 showed a deficit of 1,367 million kyats, compared with the planned surplus of 7,000,000 kyats.
276. The alternative is to reduce carbon consumption by 90 % over the next 10 years.
277. And 86 to 90 percent comes from vehicle exhaust, evenly divided between diesel and gasoline engines.
278. The redundancies include 80 senior managers, 150 branch managers, 120 computer staff and 90 clerical staff, it claimed.
279. A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees.
280. The recovery of added methylmercury was reported to be approximately 90 %.
281. According to psychologist Martin Lloyd-Elliott, 90 per cent of communication between people is non-verbal.
282. If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases.
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