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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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91. Tanimizu is said to have shot down 32 enemy aircraft.
92. Today there are 32 states participating in pediatric nutrition surveillance, encompassing approximately 1 million records of clients per year.
93. On Monday morning we were greeted by the view of Bequia, one of 32 islands which make up the wonderful Grenadines.
94. Leon Cooperman, head of Omega Advisors, posted returns of between 26 percent and 32 percent for his funds.
95. Your correspondent thoroughly enjoyed reading this 32 page history book which was written by Douglas Pickett and beautifully illustrated by Harry Tucker.
96. The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
97. He was 32, at his peak as a cricketer, but life then brought him a series of disappointments.
98. The league jacked up its average ticket price 7. 6 percent from last year, to $ 36. 32.
99. The first four rounds are designed to produce 32 prize-winning county champions, who will then go forward to the national rounds.
100. Religious belief is increasingly losing its attraction in the minds of the average people. The further decline of religion in the western world seems unavoidable. France is the most atheistic nation (32%), followed by Germany(20%), great Britain and the United States (13%). In 2010. Dr T.P.Chia 
101. That seemed odd in a city where the average age in 1990 was about 32.
102. For semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, the proportion of members experiencing unemployment almost doubled: from 18 to 32 percent.
103. I am a great admirer of longevity and Michael has been a friend and colleague for 32 years.
104. She then suffered a cardiac arrest 32 hours after admission.
105. A broader category of 38 gambling stocks has dropped 32 % since the beginning of 1994.
106. Moe is a 32 year old privately-owned chimp kept in a backyard in Los Angeles.
107. The chief innovation however, were the 32 passengers who sat along wooden seats at each side.
108. Miss Haywood, 32, claims she was sacked from her £9,000-a-year job in January for rejecting Mr Pointer.
109. Retail operating profit rose 30 % to 32. 7 million.
110. Airline officials said the paperwork was to help passengers avoid $ 32 in taxes and fees.
111. The differences are small, varying between 32,000 jobs a year being the lowest estimate, to 38,000 being the highest estimate.
112. But computer programmer Mike, 32, said many fund-raising events are still to be held.
113. It was certainly a bowler's day in favourable conditions, 32 wickets falling for 294 runs.
114. The dollar was quoted at 105. 32 yen, down from 105. 42 yen in late New York trading Friday.
115. All the same, 154 all out gave West Indies victory by an innings and 32 runs.
116. On the top floor of 32, Mrs Mackintosh stared nervously out at the dark street.
117. More than 32 million households in the region own a television set, which creates a potential audience of 100 million people.
118. At 32, many considered Ali to be over the hill.
119. He disclosed that the crisis in the inspectorate had led to 32 vacancies in a professional staff of 135 in October.
120. Last year it took 32 % of the mobile phone market and is looking to buck the worldwide trend.
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