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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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211. The striker's rich vein of form this season has seen him net 32 goals.
212. Last year, Indonesia's gross domestic product recorded a growth of 3.32 percent.
213. A 32 byte directory entry describing an allocated data set or volume.
214. The relativestandard deviation of 17 measurements performed during Apr .1975 to Aug.1978 is ±0.32 %.
215. Another directory found in'system 32 provided further detail of the intruder's activity.
216. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit ( 32 F ) or zero / nought degrees Celsius ( 0 C ).
217. Methods : Thirty cases ( 32 eyes ) with CSC were examined by ophthalmoscopy, fundus fluorescein angiography and OCT.
218. In System / 32, consecutive numbering of statements at the end of run, if requested.
219. That Caribbean republic defaulted on its foreign debt of $ 32,000,000 after prolonged civil war.
220. Optimize 32 bit native code compiler with up to 300 % - 400 % faster application.
221. This is the process identifier ( PID ), which is a 32 - bit integer value.
222. University of Copenhagen: POB 2177,[]1071 Copenhagen k ; tel. 35 - 32 - 26 - 26 ; f .1479; Rector - Kjeld Mollgard.
223. Development of 51 single - chip microcomputer - based file system, fat 16 and achieve a fat 32.
224. The majority of the computers we use are 32 - bit PCs.
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