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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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61. The total fertility rate went up from 2.22 to 2.94 - an increase of 32 percent.
62. A sustainable water supply would require a 32 percent cut in consumption.
63. The accused, Eddie Gilfoyle, 32, listened attentively to the lengthy discussions.
64. In 1979, 32 percent of dwellings in Great Britain were in the public sector.
65. At the beginning of the year the government forecast that the rate of inflation for 1988 would be only 32 percent.
66. The derivatives trading business lost $ 32 million in the quarter, compared with $ 28 million in profits a year earlier.
67. This is equal to 20% and 32% respectively of average adult earnings.
68. If 41 houses were built, the prices would range from £32,000 to £80,000.
69. The new series 6000i Model 640 supports up to 32 users and is suitable for small businesses, workgroups and development environments.
70. Series of devices for safe and easy handling of 32 P radionuclides.
71. The first houses are being offered for sale at between £32,500 and £48,000.
72. You've got 32 bits of portable processing performance at your disposal.
73. Work on the first 200 ha of the site began last May and is expected to take 32 months.
74. After their introduction on the Fleetwood service, journey time was reduced to 32 minutes on a five-minute headway.
75. After all, it costs 32 just to mail a letter.
76. We were disappointed when we were marked as having correctly classified only 32 solder joints out of the 34.
77. Yet since 1995 the state's economy has grown by 32 %-nine percentage points faster than the national average.
78. Only 25.4% gained a good degree compared with 32.1% of the SEs and 30.1% of the NSEs as a whole.
79. If she chews each mouthful of food 32 times before swallowing, she probably does.
80. It had net earnings of $ 2. 2 million on sales of $ 32. 3 million last year.
81. The port authority's latest annual review of the local economy reckons the city will lose another 32,000 jobs in 1993.
82. The sulphur dioxide level in Belfast was 32 parts per billion while the nitrogen dioxide level was 48.
83. The percentage of women who became pregnant fell with increasing waist-hip ratio from 63% to 32%.
84. At 32[], many considered Ali to be over the hill as a professional boxer.
85. Last July Labour had a two point margin at 34 to 32 per cent.
86. Priced from £12.99 to £32.50, they are all beautifully designed and each comes with a two year guarantee.
87. Of the patients with benign strictures, 32 had universal colitis and 10 had left sided involvement alone.
88. The repairs and restoration bill is budgeted at $ 32 million.
89. Twenty-seven of the 32 candidates endorsed by the group won their races.
90. A lucky win against Aurillac in the play-offs secured them a place among the last 32.
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