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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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121. But the Newcastle-based computer group Sage has surged ahead by 20p to 454p after a 32% annual profits increase.
122. Of the prosecutions, 32 were successful, with one being quashed on appeal.
123. Since there were 32 subjects, four subjects saw a given sequence.
124. Curtis, who rates an above-average 32, seems like the better choice to appeal to a wider audience.
125. It went up 32 points Thursday, a day Newt watched his mouth.
126. At the same time in October, 56. 4 percent of companies beat estimates while just 32. 2 percent lagged.
127. Lethal injection is a means of execution in 32 states, some of which use alternate methods as well.
128. Greene King failed in its attempt to take over Morland; it now owns a 29.32% stake in the Thames Valley brewer.
129. Over the same period the average number of animals killed each week has risen from 13,313 per abattoir to 32,729.
130. This season he has shown remarkable consistency, conjuring up a combined total of 12 goals and 32 points.
131. The board has recommended a 10% increase in interim dividend to 3.32 pence, compared with 1992's 3.02 pence.
132. Of 32 planned gas-fired power stations, three-quarters are badly designed and likely to waste more than half the gas they use.
133. Stocks were also higher as the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 32. 16 points to close at 5065. 10.
134. The probe was applied from the front in 32 and laterally in 17 cases.
135. On the other hand, 32 percent felt that economic growth should be given priority even if the environment suffered to some extent.
136. He held 59 catches and took 32 wickets at 47.00 with unremarkable medium-pace.
137. As you may know, we charge an annual subscription of £32.50.
138. Of the rest, 38% had approval withheld until certain conditions had been met and 32% had been turned down altogether.
139. This meant first-time buyers would have to pay an average of £32,700 for their home in 1991.
140. In the gunfight that followed 32 people were killed, including the two militants, and more than 50 injured.
141. Nicolas, 32, and his 31-year-old wife live in a modest apartment and friends say pride stopped them getting in touch with her.
142. Richard, 32, deputy manager of a sports centre, returned home to Leeds.
143. Total unleaded petrol rose from a market share of 7.7 percent in January 1987 to 32 percent by the beginning of 1991.
144. Melanesians would have 32 provincial seats in 14 constituencies and five seats in urban constituencies.
144. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
145. Killings using knives showed the greatest percentage decline, from 64 to 32.
146. Up stepped Purse, who had only just taken over the penalty duties, as 32,000 Brummies looked the other way.
147. Mr F, 35 has an alcohol problem and his wife, 32, has supported him through many difficult periods.
148. It made £41.7m compared with £32.5m in 1990 and is increasing its total dividend payout to 56.4p per share from 47p.
149. My own medical liability insurance bill is something between $ 25, 000 and $ 32, 000 annually.
150. In the last great outbreak in 1911, 32,000 infants died of diarrhoea and the infant mortality rate climbed to 130.
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