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31 in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one more than thirty. 
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91. Hague 31, sharp, ambitious was elected at the 1989 by-election with a 2,634 majority.
92. Military traffic has been crossing the new pontoon bridge since Dec. 31 at a rate up to 400 vehicles each day.
93. President Herrera spoke to Congress on December 31, 1849, at its closing session.
94. Only once before had they advanced past the Minnesota 31.
95. The credit facilities replace a secured, two-year credit agreement totaling $ 170 million and set to mature Jan. 31.
96. In all, nearly 31 million pounds had been spent on war and defence from 1540 until 1552.
97. The New Zealand cot death study was a nationwide case-control study carried out from 1 November 1987 to 31 October 1990.
98. Borrowers wanting to transfer debts to the egg credit card would pay 2.5 APR on all transfers before January 31, 2001.
99. Mr D, 31, has a severe learning disability and other handicaps.
100. Transportation sources contributed only 31 percent of annual emissions in 1989 compared with 88 percent in 1978.
101. Firm backlog rose to $ 19. 64 million on Dec. 31 from $ 17. 5 billion a year earlier.
102. Our next prize draw will take place on 31 May - remember each entry is eligible.
103. The court was told the charges relate alleged assaults between January 1, 1972, and December 31, 1973.
104. But despite the criticism, Jeremy still plans to screen the stunt on October 31.
104. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
105. Two demonstrations in support of multiparty democracy had been held on Dec. 10 and Dec. 31.
106. Darlington had only eight wins in 31 League games, with the worst defensive away record in the four divisions.
107. Neighbour Martin Clarke, 31, has been charged with causing his death by careless driving.
108. Constance Stewart, 31, died after an emergency caesarean at Dulwich Hospital, south-east London.
109. The top 50 in the Sony Rankings as of December 31 should automatically receive invitations to the next season's four Majors.
110. Ward sisters would get an additional £4.31 a week, giving them a new annual salary of £15,184.
111. Elaine Steele, 31, of Workington, Cumbria, was granted conditional bail until Friday.
112. The company a year ago changed its reporting period to a fiscal year that ends March 31 from a calendar year.
113. The change in market value of certificates held at 31 December is simply the product of applying accrued interest at that date.
114. Father-of-three Andrew Cockle, 31, was taken to hospital with neck and chest injuries but died after emergency surgery.
115. Petrocelli also produced 31 photos of Simpson wearing the same style Bruno Magli shoes that left bloody footprints at the crime scene.
116. He breathed a sigh or relief when Mrs Long announced he had polled 31.
117. By the Jan. 31 deadline a further nine parties had successfully completed the registration process.
118. By March 31 Gamsakhurdia forces were said to be in retreat although railways and roads were still blocked.
119. Table 3.4 provides details of new issues of government stock between 1 October and 31 December 1991.
120. The current 57-seat Legco comprised 31 government-appointed members, 14 chosen by functional constituencies and 12 by electoral college.
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