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31 in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one more than thirty. 
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151. Time allowed 06:31 Read in studio A council has voted to ban foxhunting on all its parks and open spaces.
152. That enabled it to boost pre-tax profits to March 31 to £101.4m from £65.7m in the previous 12 months.
153. They will, in conformity with domestic law and international obligations, continue to take effective measures to this end. 31.
154. Corinne is back home in Singapore until Aug 31.
155. Results V _ ~ WMA during coronary occlusion ( 15.31±3.06 ml ) was larger than V _ ~ PMD ( 10.31±2.01 ml, P.
156. Violation of Article 31 hereof concerning rules of compulsory enforcement or prohibition.
157. The pit was one of the 31 earmarked for closure by the Trade and Industry Secretary.
158. With 31 provinces, the pension system is a maze of disparate rules.
159. Barclays Premiership, Saturday March 31 sth 2006 Vicarage Road, Watford, Herts.
160. Method and Results 31 patients under para spinal nerve block were observed.
161. The meeting on 31 October is rearranged for 30 January.
162. In phonetic system, there are 31 initials, 42 finals and 9 tones.
163. A woman prays in Brussels during the 31 st annual Taize ecumenical community celebration.
164. Oct 31, 2002 Display most recent picture on the home page.
165. The persons elected will sit till 31 Dec . , 1973.
166. Lee MC : Family and adolescent childbearing . J Adole Health 2001; 28:307 - 31.
167. The expressions of P - gp in AFTO 24 group and control group were ( 31.7±10.2 ) % and ( 12.6±3.9 ) %,[] respectively ( P & lt ; 0.01 ).
168. Press numeric keys 3 1 to enter the channel number 31.
169. On the evening of Dec. 31, we usually celebrate the New Year's coming.
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