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31 in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one more than thirty. 
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121. The United Kingdom on Dec. 31 announced that it would provide a further £1,000,000 in aid to Kurdish refugees.
122. By contrast the tax burden on the bottom fifth of households has risen from 31 % to 38 % of their income.
123. The Baby Bell merger can be terminated by either company if regulatory approval is not received by March 31, 1997.
124. This year 31 new studies in fine bone china and porcelain have been introduced.
125. Russell Telford was protesting against the possible closure of 31 pits.
126. Last year, Harris averaged 16 points in 31 starts after Jackson was lost for the season.
127. P 500 have posted earnings for the quarter ended Dec. 31.
128. After being shot in the chest and back and attacked with machetes, Peter Pegnado, 31, jumped into his car.
129. Hurd flew to the Gulf on Aug. 31 to pursue diplomatic contacts.
130. Sometime before Jan. 22, Chantal will announce estimated earnings for the second quarter and six months ended Dec. 31.
131. In the early morning hours of 31 January, however, the order posed great difficulties.
132. The tax expired last Dec. 31, a casualty of a congressional budget impasse in Washington.
133. Kibweteere believed that the world would end on December 31, 1999.
134. The award caps an amazing 10 year streak of success for Clayton[Sentence dictionary], aged 31.
135. Shadow has devoted most of his 31 years to body building.
136. The property investment and dealing company has charged all interest and finance charges to revenue in the year ended 31 March 1992.
137. The normal privilege against self-incrimination is abrogated by the terms of section 31 in such proceedings.
138. Satisfying himself after a while, he commenced to write a follow-up letter, composed by George and dated 31 August.
139. Available through March 31, the package does not include airfare.
140. Bosses are said to have decided to terminate his contract on December 31.
141. The Crown then repaid the capital sum with interest from 31 July 1987 but refused to pay interest for earlier periods.
142. Sammy also collected a 50 freestyle bronze with 31.44-a personal best along with her 43.95 in the 50 breaststroke.
143. Platt got the ball in the net again after 31 minutes, but he was ruled offside.
144. After March 31, the company no longer will offer any Medicaid coverage.
145. Chapter 31 Nora's abrupt departure had, at first, the desired effect upon John.
146. An interim dividend of 6p per ordinary share was paid on 1 April 1993 in respect of the year ending 31 December 1993.
147. The average shortfall of income beneath the poverty line for poor children has also fallen by 31.7 per cent.
148. The offer was conditional on the exiles returning to the country by Dec. 31, 1991.
149. She has now learned to drive and joined this year's flag day to add £31,76p to her total.
150. Boston Chicken, another company expected to generate strong earnings, rose 1 1 / 4 to 31 3 / 8.
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