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31 in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one more than thirty. 
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61. But Catherine, 31, and 56-year-old Fatal Attraction star Michael spent more than half as much again.
62. As your leave year is from 1 April to 31 March your leave allowance for the current year will be 6.
63. Jurassic Park beat the record set by Batman Returns, which took £31.8m in its first four days.
64. The company's corporation tax liability is due on 1 October 1995 and its returns and accounts by 31 December 1995.
65. In 1976 there were 3,881 barristers and 31,250 practising solicitors, compared with 109,547 police officers.
66. The Nasdaq composite index was off 9. 48 points at 1, 723. 31.
67. The Bill authorizing the conversion of a number of tram routes to trolleybus operation received Royal Assent on 31 July.
68. Imports dropped 9. 9 percent to $ 6. 31 billion, the government said in a statement.
69. The price has risen by 119p since Caradon announced a possible bid on 31 August.
70. The morning of December 31, 1862, came on with a cloudless sky and a ringing, frosty air.
71. The Abkhaz Supreme Soviet itself rescinded the declaration on Aug. 31.
72. But only last year, at age 31, did she release her first solo album.
73. In its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992, 3i has changed its policy for accounting for operating costs.
74. The rest of the guerrillas were to disarm by Oct. 31.
75. Kim, 31[Sentencedict], is a flight attendant for Delta Air Lines.
76. His oldest daughter, 31, owns a small printing business in Fresno.
77. At least 31 party-goers were treated at local hospitals for symptoms including nausea and accelerated heart rates.
78. The background here is that, until Dec. 31, the price of an airline ticket included a 10 percent tax.
79. The opposition had imposed a deadline of Aug. 31 for Nabiyev to restore stability or resign.
80. Finally, on the last day of the decade, 31 December 1759, Arthur Guinness stepped boldly into the dark.
81. The milometer says 31,000 miles, but the last MOT certificate says 57,000 miles.
82. At Angle in Pembrokeshire the first new slipway and boathouse to be built for 31 years is to be constructed.
83. The industrial manufacturing company earned 31 cents a share in its latest fourth quarter, compared with 37 cents a year ago.
84. Silicon Graphics said its earnings for the fiscal second quarter ended Dec. 31 would fall short of expectations.
85. They pay a standard £31.50 per week for accommodation and meals as detailed below.
86. The settlement put a Dec. 31 deadline on meeting conditions of the agreement or the purchasing authority would expire.
87. Addison, 31, didn't compete on the track last summer and has decided to hang up her spikes.
88. Sixteen percent of the patients with left sided colitis developed malignant strictures compared with 31% of the patients with universal colitis.
89. The chip maker said it expects to report disappointing results for its fiscal third quarter ending Dec. 31.
90. Later in Chapter 31 we will consider how functional shares have changed historically.
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