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Whenever in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+46Posted:2017-04-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: never-nevereven whenneverin every waynever mindneverthelessnever-endingmore than everMeaning: [wenˈevə]  conj.1. at whatever time; at any time when: Come whenever you like. 2. when? (used emphatically): Whenever did he say that?. 
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151. He married Miss Vancouver in 1963, or whenever it was.
152. Whenever the director needed more information, his minions were sent scurrying in all directions to obtain it.
153. Whenever Maria sees a picture of her mother, she gets misty-eyed .
154. Whenever he comes in late his wife cross-examines him about where he's spent the evening.
155. Whenever there was a dance he and I led off.
156. Whenever I buy something, I cross it off the list.
156. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
157. Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble.
158. Johnny cries whenever he must say hello to an adult; he is afraid of his own shadow.
159. Whenever I travel in the city I make sure I hug my handbag tightly to me.
160. It's funny how Alec always disappears whenever there's work to be done.
161. I get shooting pains up my spine whenever I try to move.
162. Whenever my friends are here, she just withdraws into her shell.
163. Whenever she wore heels she was taller than the men she worked with.
164. When she was younger she would shrink from me whenever I spoke to her.
165. I'll say this much for Kay, she always agrees to help whenever we ask her.
166. Whenever she was in doubt,she often flipped up a coin.
167. May I come and talk with you whenever it's convenient?
168. The tiger lashed its tail around whenever anyone came near its cage.
169. Whenever I ask him why his essay's late, he just trots out the same old excuses.
170. She ratted her hair whenever she went to big parties in the evening.
171. I must be jinxed - whenever I wash a wine glass, it breaks.
172. Whenever I travel by train, I always travel first class.
173. I shudder with embarrassment whenever I think I think about it.
174. Whenever my boss sees me out of work, he finds something for me to do.
175. Shops are no longer allowed to push up their prices whenever they want.
176. As far as I'm concerned she can come home whenever she likes.
177. There is still a small hard core of football supporters who cause trouble whenever they can.
178. Whenever I hear that music, I feel a shiver down my spine.
179. The tiger lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage.
180. Whenever there arises a controversy, he tries to keep his feet clean of it.
More similar words: never-nevereven whenneverin every waynever mindneverthelessnever-endingmore than everstrain every nerveevery now and thenBetter late than neverA watched pot never boilswhenwhenceunevenuneventfulbenevolentbenevolencebenevolentlyeven thenoverwhelmpain in the neckoverwhelmingeverseverlevereveryfeverin the neighborhood ofever so
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