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Voltage spike in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-04-22Updated:2024-04-22
Similar words: voltageac voltagearc voltagelow-voltagelow voltagepeak voltagevoltage drophigh-voltage
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1. The proposed bi-directional converter has no high voltage spike problem and start-up problem, which are inherent in current-fed and voltage-fed hybrid type bi-directional converters.
2. In common hard switching circuit, high voltage spike usually could be produced during switch transition process because of the effect of transformer leakage inductance and parasitic capacitor.
3. There is no high reverse recovery related voltage spike in the rectifier diodes.
4. A design of voltage spike generator based on microprocessor unit is introduced.
5. An active-clamp flyback converter circuit is presented to realize Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching(ZVZCS) transition and at the same time suppress the voltage spike.
6. A break in a SuperCable would collapse the surrounding magnetic field, creating a brief but intense voltage spike at the cut point.
7. However, a problem of this kind of converter is that the output rectifier diodes suffer the parasitic oscillation and voltage spike caused by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes.
8. It has many remarkable advantages such as simple auxiliary circuit, realizing ZVS in the wide load range[], no voltage spike and surge of the transformer secondary side and easy to be controlled.
9. And the output rectifier diodes can commutate naturally, avoiding voltage oscillation and voltage spike caused by the reverse flow of primary current.
10. However, due to leakage effects flyback converter power switch off when the voltage spike caused by the need to be inhibited by clamping circuit.
11. Advanced voltage clamping techniques are demonstrated, which can also limit the second voltage spike originating from the tail current cut off.
12. However, there exists a problem of this kind of converter, that the output rectifier diodes suffer the parasitic oscillation and voltage spike resulted by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes.
More similar words: voltageac voltagearc voltagelow-voltagelow voltagepeak voltagevoltage drophigh-voltageovervoltagevoltage gainover voltagehigh voltagevoltage loopbias voltagevoltage limitundervoltageanode voltagesupply voltageoffset voltagevoltage levelforward voltagevoltage ratingripple voltagesignal voltagevoltage dividerdriving voltagereverse voltagecontrol voltageapplied voltagenominal voltage
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