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High-voltage in a sentence

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Sentence count:91+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-08-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: high voltagehigh voltage transmission linevoltagepeak voltagevoltage dropforward voltagevoltage ratinginduced voltageMeaning: adj. 1. operating on or powered by a high voltage 2. vigorously energetic or forceful. 
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1. Doctors have tried zapping tumors with high-voltage radiation.
2. Sara Hughes gives a high-voltage performance in one of the most exciting plays to hit London this year.
3. They live under high-voltage electrical wire.
4. He claimed his research had shown links between high-voltage overhead cables and cancer clusters.
5. One is to construct extra high-voltage transmission lines to transmit electricity generated at mine-mouth power plants to distant load centres.
6. Operators used high-voltage induction coils, with the result that the insulation deteriorated, probably causing the cable's failure.
7. At the mean time of the high-voltage current-limiting fuse cutting off the current, the fuse will melt and boil away, and it will generate electric arc with high temperature and high pressure.
8. The invention discloses a high-voltage pulse electric field treatment chamber for continuous liquid-state food sterilization.
9. This product has been inspected by National High-voltage Quality Monitory and Inspection center, with its indices proved to meet the national standard.
10. Utilizing the high-voltage and high-current of IGBT, the Class-E Inverter has got the sinusoidal output with high-power.
11. High-voltage pulsed corona discharge plasma has been widely studied in the removal of toxic pollutant, the removal of acid gases from flues gas, and other environment management.
12. You know, bridges, roads, high-voltage power lines, ports and airports, an upgraded Internet.
13. He said infrastructure projects, such as high-voltage transmission lines, will help create more jobs in the U.S. than the Federal Reserve's quantitative-easing policy.
14. Composite insulator has been widely used in high-voltage electric power transmission system because of its advantages in light weight, anti-pollution flashover and less routine maintenance.
15. Sintering, cooling high-voltage motors used starting current impact of small, smooth transition of liquid resistance buck starter.
16. In resonant ground systems, both asymmetric fault of high-voltage side and asymmetry of load cause the asymmetry of system electrical source voltage. Then they change neutral displacement voltage.
17. Fresh claret was processed by high-voltage pulsed electric field with changed electric-field intensity(, the treatment results suggested that some changes in wine chromaticity.
18. A high-voltage controller (20) judges positional relationship between the door (3) and the third arm (17) based on the discharge current detected at the electrode pin (22).
19. Workers at the industry's central research unit wanted to determine how high-voltage transmission lines and smoke from power stations affect trees.
20. Someday, just the right person will come along for this high-voltage sweetheart.
21. The electricity supply industry and others use it to insulate high-voltage circuit breakers and cables.
22. Take sulphur hexafluoride, a greenhouse gas used—among other things—as an insulator in some sorts of high-voltage equipment.
23. This paper outdoor distribution equipment and layout of the bus architecture, power transformers, high-voltage circuit breakers, switches and arrester and isolation transformer and so on.
24. The electrical power grid is particularly vulnerable to these extra currents, which can infiltrate high-voltage transmission lines[], causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out.
25. As an important part of the tribo electrostatic separator, the high-voltage electrostatic field plays a key role in the mineral and the material processing.
26. ABB's scope of supply includes electrical components for the auxiliary power supply systems, a 380-kilovolt (kV) high-voltage substation and the switchgear building.
27. Micromorphology and fine structure in laser hardened layer of grey cast iron have been investigated with scanning electron microscope and high-voltage transmission electron microscope.
28. This paper analyzes the influence of fast busbar differential protection caused by distributed capacitance in high-voltage long - distance transmission line during transient process.
29. The present invention discloses a fire-fighting anti-riot hand ladle, which includes hand ladle body in which fire-fighting gun and high-voltage impulse electric-shock apparatus is mounted.
30. The uniform glow discharges between two symmetrical Chang electrodes through an auto-preionization electrocircuit are controlled by a high-voltage pulsed trigger and a rotary spark-gap switch.
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