Synonym: up, upward, upwardly. Similar words: upward, upwardly, upwardly mobile, backwards and forwards, towards, onwards, forwards, inwards. Meaning: adv. 1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position 2. to a later time.
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61. The cost of completion has been revised upwards again due to inflation.
62. The track tends upwards.
63. She grabbed the banister and dragged herself upwards.
64. Its mouth curled upwards for the first time.
65. The arrow on the tree pointed upwards.
66. Allow the Head to Go Forwards and Upwards.
67. The narrow road sloped gently upwards.
68. Corridors that twisted upwards like corkscrews.
69. The track snaked perilously upwards.
70. He drifted on upwards at an angle.
71. Tommy peered upwards, through the darkness.
72. As the door clanged upwards his head turned slowly round so that he was facing the garage.
73. They expect that overdrafts would rise an average of about £15,500 upwards.
74. They made towards it as the first flare hit the sea, continuing to burn, with clouds of smoke drifting upwards.
75. In distinctive display flight flaps upwards at a steep angle and then glides down with wings scarcely upraised.
76. Consider a fluid particle that is displaced upwards, say, from its equilibrium position.
77. But in the same period upwards of 10(,000 executions were ordered against the bodies of defendants.
78. It is logical to narrate a climb from the valley upwards.
79. He sat back in the armchair and watched the smoke drifting upwards from his pipe towards the gas lamp.
80. The lift carried on upwards and Juliet followed the other visitors into Hunter Ward.
81. Storage accommodation had to be designed to accommodate upwards of 10,000 items used in these repairs.
82. Speed had dropped back and Wallace moved upwards in the second half.
83. Lie flat, bend the knees then straighten the legs upwards so that they are at right angles to your body. 14.
84. Characteristic hunting technique of gliding low over ground with wings slightly canted upwards.
85. I could see my hand, lying palm upwards and seemingly a great distance from me.
86. It would be surprising for importers to voluntarily adjust their prices upwards.
86. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
87. When spirit has reached its lowest point, it begins the return journey upwards, which is termed Evolution.
88. The Jet Ranger arced upwards, a big prehistoric pterodactyl lurching blindly in its death throes.
89. To see how the array of possibilities is again the Riemann sphere, imagine the photon to be travelling vertically upwards.
90. Often the whole length of the radial shields is visible and they may be bowed upwards in some specimens.
More similar words: upward, upwardly, upwardly mobile, backwards and forwards, towards, onwards, forwards, inwards, downwards, rearwards, eastwards, backwards, afterwards, stewardship, tend towards, look towards, bend over backwards, cards, boards, innards, regards, hardship, yard sale, leotards, as regards, billiards, on the cards, yardstick, mustard seed, at all hazards.