Synonym: conclusion, consequence, development, effect, fruit, outcome, result. Similar words: slipshod, shot, a big shot, slingshot, upset, upstage, upstart, upstairs. Meaning: n. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.
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61) The upshot is that we're horrifyingly nonchalant at the prospect that rising carbon emissions may devastate our favorite planet.
62) The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure.
63) The upshot of the disagreement was that they broke up the partnership.
64) The upshot : Adobe's forthcoming software is probably not allowed.
More similar words: slipshod, shot, a big shot, slingshot, upset, upstage, upstart, upstairs, hot, dhoti, hotel, photo, hothead, hot money, each other, hotline, hot water, dichotomy, photocell, hot potato, photocopy, telephoto, photograph, a hot potato, photogenic, photography, photocopier, photographer, show, photosynthesis.