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Universalism in a sentence

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Sentence count:29Posted:2017-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: universalityuniversaluniversallyuniversal postal unionuniversal suffrageanniversaryuniverseuniversityMeaning: [‚juːnɪvɜrsəlɪzm /-vɜːs-]  n. the theological doctrine that all people will eventually be saved. 
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1. The slippage of support for universalism, equality, and public services was illustrated in comments made by Roy Jenkins.
2. His universalism seemed to offer unending real misery punctuated by periods of illusory bliss.
3. Universalism tends to guarantee all districts a project and reciprocity allows the recognition that different districts will have different project priorities.
4. Liberal universalism embodies individualistic basic spirit.
5. And there are some strong intellectual arguments for universalism.
6. The teaching universalism has little need for either the law or the gospel.
7. The results show that the cultural dimension "universalism versus particularism" has a great influence on ethical decision-making in marketing.
8. The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics.
9. The religious root of universalism in American culture comes from Christian monotheism and Universalism.
10. Section 5 : Debating Universalism versus Cultural Relativism : How Is the Notion of Culture Discussed?
11. Over the past twenty years, Unitarian Universalism has undergone a shift in consciousness.
12. In the modern phase, Universalism, internationalism and Particularism Nationalism leads the role one after another.
13. In addition, the author introduced traditional theories on universalism, territorialism and the burgeoning theory on new pragmatism, and made comments on them.
14. Moreover, it can gain a new transcultural universalism , which could make us find ourselves as humans again by sharing common humanity within our cultural diversity and plurality.
15. Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized, but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations.
16. The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation.
17. In spite of this fundamental paradox, claims to a modern universalism persisted throughout the inter-war period.
18. It also means subscription to Foucaultian power/knowledge assumptions that are difficult to square with demands for modernist universalism.
19. Luke uses this story as the supreme example of his theme of universalism.
20. Since the rise of the religion of autonomy, human perfectibility , and universalism, only one confession has been utterly antithetical: The Reformed confession.
21. The idea basic of national state in Deng Zhenglai 's book can not resist universalism.
22. This integration is predicated the ability to avoid both abstract universalism and closed particularism.
23. This is a preeminent problem for character education in its current form, as it appeals to an abstract universalism and an untethered rationality.
24. Baxi ( 2006 ) places the debate about absolutism, universalism and relativism of human rights in perspective.
25. The principle of universalization and principle of discourse ethics are souls of discourse ethics, completely showing its characteristics of deontology, cognition, universalism and formalism.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. In sociological terms, particularism is characteristic of the Chinese while universalism is characteristic of Americans.
27. Transition of dawah from regionalism, in which the focus was only on Quraish and the tribes surrounding Makkah, to the phase of universalism.
28. Platonism, Stoicism and Paul's theory about salvation by faith, are the main thought source of Christian universalism.
29. The destruction induced by vertical seismic action during earthquake is existent objectively, and universalism.
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  • Grace 2023-02-28 17:20:11
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  • una chica 2023-02-24 15:53:31
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  • Hernando 2023-02-24 03:39:52
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