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Twelfth in a sentence

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Sentence count:119+3Posted:2017-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: 12thduodecimalone-twelfthtwelfth partSimilar words: welfarewelfare statetweetbetweenas it werefootwearlast weektwentiethMeaning: [twelfθ]  n. 1. position 12 in a countable series of things 2. one part in twelve equal parts. adj. coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in position. 
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91 Lawn tennis, to give the sport its full title, developed from real tennis, an indoor game that dates back to twelfth or thirteenth-century France, when balls were hit with the palm of the hand.
92 A twelfth part of the labour of making a plough is appreciable quantity.
93 So the people asked him to hold the candle for Don Twelfth, just by reason that his beautiful was more glaringness than the luna.
94 Traditionally, the Yule log is brought into a house on Christmas Eve and is burned continuously through Twelfth Night.
95 The new moon in Virgo, August 30, will appear in the most private part of your chart, the twelfth house.
96 Twelfth toll payment units and individuals should be fully paid in monetary form of social insurance.
97 Each animal also represents two hours or one - twelfth of every day.
98 And twelfth day God created a spoon(, brown in colour made of wood. Amen.
99 First, you can expect an up-tick in your health (the twelfth house rules hospitals, rehab, physical therapy, and all sorts of treatment, including psychological advice).
100 Harrison is in town to play Sebastian in Shakespeare Theatre Company's remount of Twelfth Night.
101 To illustrate this point, let us consider the comedy The Twelfth Night.
102 In the second half of the twelfth century the beginnings of polyphony developed in the School of Notre Dame in Paris from its antecedents in the great abbey of St. Martial in Limoges.
103 Twelfth: Life buoy . Feel free to come when you need to talk.
104 On April twelfth, eighteen sixty-one, Confederate soldiers fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
105 At the twelfth meeting in 2007, the Group will address this issue, including the issue of joint financing.
106 With the ruler of your house of travel positioned in your twelfth house, it's clear you don't want to sightsee historical ruins in seven cities in three days.
107 They are going to play " Twelfth Night " next week.
107 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
108 On April twelfth, nineteen sixty-one, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew in space for one hundred eight minutes.
109 The twelfth lunar month in this year is Dajian ( having 30 days ) .
110 The twelfth day without Steffen, tell myself should be strong, stronger, strongest!
111 But the Senate has delayed action on its version of the financial reform bill until Congress returns July twelfth.
112 Zachary Taylor won both the popular and electoral votes. He became the twelfth president of the United States.
113 I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations.
114 Bernard de Fontaines was a Cistercian monk who founded a monastery at Clairvaux in the twelfth century.
115 Texas constitutes one - twelfth of the continental landmass of the United States.
116 During the twelfth century a non-canonical branch of Christianity called the Cathars took hold in the south of France.
117 To deny the legitimacy of the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee or of the Ninth Party Congress would be tantamount to saying that the Party ceased to exist for a period of time.
118 The activities of the twelfth lunar month as the witchcraft epidemic of custom drum drive, this and other areas in Hunan is still retained Xinhua.
119 Its mass is only one twelfth that of the Sun, and it is barely massive enough to initiate the fusion reaction in its core that makes stars shine.
More similar words: welfarewelfare statetweetbetweenas it werefootwearlast weektwentiethfew and far betweenfifthbetween two firesoff the rackleft handshelfself-off the cuffitselfwellread between the lineshimselfoneselfout of the blueout of the wooddweltswelltowelboweljeweldwellselfish
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