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Tri- in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-08-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: strike it richtrigonometricatrioventricularatrioventricular nodeatrioventricular valvetritrimtrio
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1. Gooch is among those who first complained to the man who owned Tri City Oil.
2. Richard was bulking up, working on his lats, his tris, his abs.
3. But Thieu Tri declined to bargain and left Percival no choice but to free the dignitaries and sail away.
4. But Thieu Tri had chosen him as heir because of his mild disposition, and visitors to his court confirmed his moderation.
5. The methods of measuring the biological value of feed phosphorus including balance experiment, slope rate method, tri- index method, in vitro solubility and in vitro dialyse methods were reviewed.
6. He has also been invited multiple times to represent Christianity at Tri- loge forum at UCF among Judaism and Islam faith.
More similar words: strike it richtrigonometricatrioventricularatrioventricular nodeatrioventricular valvetritrimtriotriptrigtricetrillatriatripestriatriviatritetrinetriketrialtriadtriertriedstripTriastribetricktripletatrialtrigone
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