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Tooth in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+18Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: boothsmoothsmooth outbootfootshooton footshoot upMeaning: [tuːθ]  n. 1. hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense 2. something resembling the tooth of an animal 3. toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell 4. a means of enforcement 5. one of a number of uniform projections on a gear. 
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241, The paper theoretically analyzes the non-chain drawing mechanism with involute cycloidal compound tooth in a coal machine and researches the photoelastic test.
242, Saw - tooth fretting on the rollers of Baosteel No.2 Slabbing - blooming mill influences slab and bloom quality.
243, Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses.
244, Root canal treatment and finished tooth, lost in the pulp cavity nutrition supplies such as nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic, makes itself become more brittle fracture of teeth.
245, In this paper, a. new algorithm substituting an optimized round arc for the outline of tooth curve of an epicyclic gear tooth with long amplitude is discussed.
246, Moreover, a gear pair with curvilinear - tooth traces operates without axial thrust force.
247, My wife is fond of chocolates; She has a very setter tooth.
248, Thus, the basis of founding loaded tooth contact analysis calculating method of hypoid gear is brought about.
249, July/August is the time of the Kandy Esala Perahera, the 10-day festival honouring the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha, and also the time for the Kataragama Festival in the South.
250, Before extraction of the tooth, the gingival form and bony architecture must be evaluated.
251, Older approaches to biomechanics and orthodontic tooth movement included the implied, intuitive "stick in the mud" model, which was rather effective in explaining traditional Tweed mechanics.
252, After 3 years follow - up , there was no recidivism and loosening of tooth but normal occluding relation.
253, I looked over this place with a fine - tooth comb.
254, And the results are as follows:(1) According to the theoretical tooth face , the bit shift speed and acceleration expression are analyzed. And the necessity of modification is indicated.
255, Fill to fill dental cavity of drill hole, or install a tooth hat.
256, Song Dynasty water - tooth pattern tile with lotus and branches hook in the first four - watt light used.
257, Objective To investigate the relationship between tooth abrasion and long - term chewing betel
258, This paper describes the tooth forms of an external toothing and chamfering gear shaping cutter and chamfering gear shaper cutters designed by old routine.
259, Incident: Only susan of 28 years old is having not short smoke however age, her tooth must be fizzled out again by sootiness black.
260, Contains fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of cavities caused by acidic food.
261, In the mouth medication, we can determine accurate 3D-world coordinate from their 2D image coordinate, and compute the length of tooth root according to a non-contract camera.
262, Objective To investigate the features of primary tooth structure in hypophosphatasia.
263, Conclusions It is a good way to make PFM bridge restoration for anterior tooth space.
264, Objective To study how to avoid excessive absorption alveolar bone in order to keep the height of alveolar ridge after tooth extraction.
265, Conclusion Restoring tooth crown longitudinal dehiscence is of the effective Methods: To keep the sick tooth.
266, This paper advanced a practical and succinct formula for tooth number choice of involute gear.
267, Objective : To investigate effect of sandwich restoration on repairing tooth deface and preserving the gingival.
268, Then, According to the cutting tooth processing principle, establish hypoid gear model, and conduct virtual assembly, interference checking, provides the precise model for the following analysis.
269, It is the same as the American and the French version, so the child goes to bed with the baby tooth under the pillow. A mouse, not a fairy, takes it during the night.
270, Aim the Tooth brush holder toward the base, and put in position.
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