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Tera in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-07-31Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: posterolateralletter aenteraliterateveteranlateralet ceteraafter allMeaning: n. a three-tone Chadic language. 
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(1) It was a quarterly newslet - ter.
(2) Carrie's ole man used ter work there.
(3) She used ter wear a blond curly wig.
(4) The Tanners lived next door ter the stables till Will Tanner got the sack.
(5) Anyway, she told me if I didn't go after it she was goin' ter chuck us out.
(6) All we need is the ready money ter lay down ter secure the site an' the weekly rent.
(7) He is in good company when it comes to losing Tests that do not mat ter all that much.
(8) The strong points of TERA WELLNESS CLUB are high-quality and complete hardware equipments, mature management, operation and marketing system.
(9) Adopting Tera Pak Techniques, heat - seal cold cut methods.
(10) Although Tera appeared previously in "Grievous Intrigue, " he and the younglings seen in that episode were designed for this episode, which was produced first.
(11) Tera Thomas was formerly editor of Connecting Link magazine and is currently a freelance writer.
(12) Tera, Karen, and the P's somehow schemed this book into being.
(13) In new century(Tera Era)the central role of single crystals is and will almost certainly continue to be in global IT.
(14) They also introduced me to Tera Thomas, friend, coauthor, and editor of Bringers of the Dawn.
(15) The H 1 N 1 flu has been confirmed in most Australias Australian states in Tera Traightsand territories.
(16) The outbreak is spreading to Tilaberi region who reported 3 cases from Tera district.
(17) For example, the pure imitation of the internal structure of TERA WELLNESS CLUB without professional operating knowledge seeks like a man without his soul.
(18) Tera television sets beat out eight American and Japanese brands in being picked as "number one in the world" by a specialist magazine. (photo courtesy of Tera Electronic Co.
(19) To spend the feast at the location (where) they first meet is idea of Tera . There is a bit of amorous in her character.
(20) No, UDT can transfer a data buffer from one single byte to multiple tera -bytes, as long as your system can provide enough resources.
More similar words: posterolateralletter aenteraliterateveteranlateralet ceteraafter allliteraletceterateratoidterahertzliteracyterawattterabytelaterallyteratomaureteraldate rapeinteractliterallyliterateliteraryliteratifosteragebarter awayteratogenreiterateiterativeparenteral
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