Synonym: incumbency, land tenure, term of office. Similar words: penury, penurious, tenuous, attenuate, nurse, menu, avenue, revenue. Meaning: ['te‚njə(r)]
n. 1. the term during which some position is held 2. the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands. v. give life-time employment to.
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31. Forms of land tenure varied widely from one region to another in Piedmont.
32. Once the tenure of the Garden had been guaranteed, measures had to be taken to ensure its successful progress.
33. Often, as in the case of crofting, these are related to land tenure systems and their legal basis.
34. But, rightly or wrongly, Eden's tenure in Downing Street is remembered as a single-issue premiership.
35. A teacher can also lose tenure status by accepting a teaching position in another school district.
36. When I got tenure at Hopkins, I was a promising researcher.
37. From political correctness to the flagging tenure system, the right of unadulterated academic lip flapping seems increasingly embattled.
38. At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
39. At Commerce, Huang was scheduled to receive 37 intelligence briefings during his 18-month tenure, records show.
40. Salomon Brothers paid the ten-thousand-dollar bill racked up by the wife of its mailroom clerk with three months' tenure.
41. In other states, the school board may have to take some positive action for the teacher to achieve tenure.
42. This was totally in contradiction to Mr Venables' claim that he was promised security of tenure.
43. Much of the land withdrawn from communal tenure continued to be farmed in strips under the three-field system.
44. The whole beauty of the trading floor was its complete disregard for tenure.
45. Security of tenure also means that a landlord may be unable to regain his house, if he wishes to.
46. The partners remain sanguine about speculation that their tenure of the company they founded is coming to an end.
47. But the tenure decision was really made because of my teaching.
48. Quite apart from any other reason, if I charged you rent, it would give you security of tenure.
49. None of those associated with Cripps during the tenure of his wardenship can fail to have been touched by this outstanding man.
50. His tenure is described as a succession of missed opportunities.
51. It had no fiefs to be the subject of investiture, no peasant tenure,( no peasant serfs.
52. The path that the young academic must follow who wants tenure, and still more advancement and fame, is clearly marked.
53. If a professor doesn't get tenure after ten years, he probably never will.
54. During his brief five-month tenure Schlesinger chopped more than two thousand employees from the payroll.
55. It is clear that housing tenure is associated with major differentials in patterns of marriage and childbearing.
56. But his tenure of the prime minister's press office lowered its reputation and damaged Mrs Thatcher's image.
57. But when he was denied tenure, Moore changed direction and started practicing psychotherapy.
58. No successor could hope for such an earth-moving tenure as that.
59. Tenure was challenged - and probably quite rightly - but so was the universities' freedom to determine their own fate.
60. When the history is written, for what positive things will the Secretary of State's tenure be remembered?