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Switzerland in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+12Posted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: motherlandauschwitzoverlapoverlaysuperlativeeverlastingparlanceswitchMeaning: n. a landlocked federal republic in central Europe. 
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91 A miniature 35mm film camera manufactured in Switzerland was concealed in this modified tobacco pouch. A spring-wound mechanism advanced the film between exposures.
92 Gruebel has poured resources into the investment banking operation at the same time that some in Switzerland disapprove of it.
93 The first commercial bank Personal Financial Services, originated in Switzerland.
94 By the time France and Britain set up all-day systems a centurylater, the German way — which survives in Austria and parts of Switzerland —had already grown deep roots.
95 Since the crisis hit, Switzerland has faced a baroque array of humiliations.
96 Many students came from Canada, Great Britain, Nigeria and Switzerland.
97 This one must have had a little worldly experience during her schooldays in Switzerland, I think.
98 What is more strange on his body also has micro shrinks the roll film and a Bank of Switzerland bank account password.
99 The beauty therapy should be a journey towards physical and mental pleasure. With the extraordinary charming landscape in Switzerland[], you can enjoy the your personal therapy make to order.
100 After becoming popular in Italy, for example, Facebook spread to the Italian-speaking portions of Switzerland.
101 Andriy Shevchenko's Ukraine are due to play Libya in Switzerland this Monday.
102 Even by the standards of superlatively priced luxury hotels in Switzerland, a country not celebrated for its value, the Royal Penthouse Suite at Geneva's President Wilson Hotel is pushing it a bit.
103 On Monday Switzerland refused to extradite director Roman Polanski to California for sentencing on a 30-year-old sex crime because of potential technical faults in the US request for extradition.
104 After Taipei, the works will travel to Belgium for the couple's second joint solo exhibition in Europe, the first having been in Switzerland.
105 Perhaps one-third of offshore funds in Switzerland are from places where the wealthy may not pay much tax anyway, including Russia and the Middle East.
106 It was mid-April by the time my wife and I returned from Switzerland.
106 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
107 The two most prominent forms are majoritarian democracies like those found in the U. S. and Great Britain and consensual democracies, found in countries like Switzerland and Israel.
108 He currently teaches European film in Switzerland and Poland, is a director of the Polish film studio TOR, and is a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
109 BASEL, Switzerland — Long-lasting marriages may thrive on love, compromise and increasing ignorance about one another.
110 The 63-year-old Italian, who has been recovering from knee surgery in Switzerland, has been monitoring the fall-out closely and regularly spoken to his trusted lieutenant Franco Baldini.
111 The World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. as the second-most-competitive economy behind Switzerland, but puts its public institutions 34th, behind Iceland and Saudi Arabia.
112 The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, near Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest particle accelerator.
113 LAUREN: I pushed Laurence to take a new job to join an international trading firm in Switzerland.
114 Journalist Richard Dimbleby offered viewers a tour of a "spaghetti harvest" in Ticino , Switzerland.
115 European countries — especially northern European countries: Switzerland, Denmark, et cetera — tend to be happier than we are in these surveys.
116 The paper briefly introduced a method of the improvement of automatic rewinding for stamping machine made in Switzerland.
117 The team measured the shift using a proton accelerator at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland to create a beam of muons, which was then fired at hydrogen gas.
118 In the opening match England claimed a 1 - 1 draw with Switzerland thanks to an Alan Shearer goal.
119 A city of northern Switzerland on the Rhine River. It is one of the oldest intellectual centers in Europe. Population, 176, 200.
120 Huldreich Zwingli or Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531), was a Swiss theologian, leader of the Reformation in Switzerland.
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