Similar words: germ, term, permit, thermal, terms, superman, vermin, German. Meaning: [spɜrm / spɜːm] n. the male reproductive cell; the male gamete.
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151, Zeaxanthin is a natural carotenoid existing in corn embryo sperm.
152, The combinable fatliquor SC, phosphate fatliquor, sulfited sperm oil EJB can increase the tensile strength of chrome leather.
153, Egg donors undergo the same medical and genetic screening as sperm donors, although it is not currently possible to freeze and quarantine eggs like sperm.
154, The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean.
155, Biopsy on both sides of the testes for evaluation and testicular incision for extracting spermatozoon might be necessary in the patients who intend to breed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
156, By Day 42 after treatment, changes in litter size, sperm numbers and the structure of seminiferous tubules in these animals diminished.
157, Vasectomy is connected the epididymis pipe and tube ejaculation, mature sperm eduction channel, around each one, each about 40-50 cm long, wall thicker, muscularis is quite developed, and small lumen.
158, Patients whose partners did not become pregnant had significantly higher serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone. Total sperm count and normal sperm forms were significantly lower.
159, At Harvard, Dr.David Clapham, a neurobiologist, discovered that sperm tails contain calcium ion channels, with electrically charged atoms "turbo-charging the sperm" to reach eggs, he said.
160, Spermiogenesis of sperm head in soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx sinensis, was examined by transmission electron-microscopy.
161, Objective:To study the effect of abstinence on human acrosin activity, sperm density, sperm number.
162, Conclusion The results indicate that MR of human sperm plays an important role in sperm - oocyte fusion.
163, Seventy-one percent of the adult offspring of these single mothers agree that: "My sperm donor is half of who I am, " and 78% wonder "what my sperm donor's family is like."
164, But then no one really thought the donor mattered once he had given his sperm.
165, A posterior extension on each of the pelvic fins of male elasmobranch fishes that aids in the transmission of sperm during copulation.
166, This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy's asleep.
167, "It takes only one motile sperm to initiate a pregnancy," she said.
168, Francis then go for a medical check - up and the result is sperm count too low.
169, Method Test sterility patients'anti sperm antibody in the serum with ELISA method.
170, Meanwhile, The fluorescence color were appeared in perforatorium and trail of sperm become more and more obviously with the prolong of treatment time of sperm
171, Objective:To investigate whether sperm immotility was caused by degeneration in the epididymis.
172, A human sperm cell contains just one copy each of 23 chromosomes.
173, Female spiders can do this because they store sperm for a period of days or weeks before they use it to fertilise their eggs.
174, The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple while sperm tails are green.
175, Sperm is derived from the Greek word sperma meaning "seed."
176, IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a procedure in which sperm is injected into the oocyte (egg) cytoplasm.
177, Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who consumed the most soy (half a serving per day) had 41 million sperm per millilitre less than men who did not eat soy at all.
178, He said, look, he said, this doesn't put a barrier between sperm and egg. All it does is artificially create a safe period.
179, Objective To study the change of sperm acrosin activity (SAA) before and after high ligation of spermatic vein for patients with varicocele.
180, Objective: To discuss the value of pre-operative semen analysis of patients with varicocele as a predictive restore index of sperm motility and fertilizing capacity after varicocelectomy.
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