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Sonchus in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2024-06-03Updated:2024-06-03
Similar words: bronchusmormon churchwinston churchillprison chaplainschussbacchusurachusmoschusMeaning: n. sow thistles. 
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1 ObjectiveTo study the chemical constituents of Sonchus brachyotus DC.
2 The genus Sonchus is composed of 8 species in China.
3 Any of various plants of the genus Sonchus, especially S. oleraceus of Eurasia , having prickly leaves and rayed, yellow flower heads.
4 As a kind of perennial troublesome weed, Perennial sowthistle (Sonchus brachyotus DC. ) mainly occurred in the North of China, infesting upland crop such as Wheat, Soybean and corn .
5 According to records : sowthistle, also known as bitter radicchio dishes, from Ma vegetables, Sonchus brachyotus DC dishes, perennial herbaceous plants, the Compositae.
6 This paper summarized the studies on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Sonchus L. in recent years.
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